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"Clarke, he cares about you, you know that right?" Octavia said

"Why are you telling me this now" clarke asked

"Because you are going on a date maybe..?" Octavia said

"Look o, i know he's your brother but he let me clear that we cant be together and to be honest i need to move on with my life, i cant wait for him to find a right moment" clarke said

"Clarke when he found out you were going on a date, he broke in pieces" octavia said

"As i said, he made his choice" clarke said

"Yeah and he was wrong" octavia said

"Shouldnt he be the one who tells me this?" Clarke said

"We both know he's not one to open up about his emotions" octavia said

"Maybe, but thats not my fault" clarke said

"Okay, but think about what i said at least" octavia said walking out clarke's tent

"Good bye.." Clarke said


"Ready clarke¿" finn asked

"Finn oh god i forgot to tell you, we cant go and a date today. Kane is back and im helping my mom with you know..." Clarke said "im so sorry"

"No its okay" finn said "another day then"

"Thanks and im sorry again"

"Dont be sorry, see ya"


Oh gosh i lied, kane did get back but i wasn't helping my mom i was to busy thinking of bellamy. The truth is i haven't move on of him yet and going on a date with finn, js playing with his feelings for me because i don't feel the same for him anymore.

(Clarke's POV)

"Clarke are you here?" that voice, god not now please

"mm yeah" i said

"so i heard you aren't going out with finn" bellamy said entering my tent

"Rumors fly fast" i said laughting, wth i don't even know why i did that

"so i umm i wanted to talk to you" bellamy said "clarke i.."

"Bellamy don't.." I sald interrumping him "you're just gonna make things worse"

"clarke please just.." Bellamg said

"bellamy i don't want to get hurt anymore" i say

"Exactly, i made a big mistake princess pushing you away. The truth is that i was so scare to lose you, that i didnt realize that was exactly what i was doing" bellamy said "i love you clarke"

"i-i dont know what to say" i said

"then don't" bellamy said "let me prove it" he lend in, i thought he was going tl kiss me but instead he put our forheads together "i have enough to prove you, but only if you let me"

i lend in to kiss him but moved away

"no, i wanna make things right. I want to prove everyone im worth it for you"

"You dont have to prove anyone, you only have to prove me"

"then i will"

"I know you will"

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