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"Bellamy?" Clarke asked half sleep, walking outside her tent

"get back to your tent princess" bellamy said walking to the gate

"Where are you going?" Clarke asked

"not your business" bellamy said facing clarke

"I'm serious bellamy" clarke said

"I'm leaving" bellamy said walking outside, leaving the camp

"What? Wait..! You can't just leave" clarke said following him outside the gate

"I think i can" bellamy said, with sass on his voice

"Now seriously" she said getting closer to him "Why are you doing this?" Clarke whispered to bellamy

"Because is the best for everyone" bellamy said, walking away again

"For everyone, or for you" clarke said, raising her voice so that he could heard her

"What are you saying princess" bellamy said, walking back to clarke

"I think you're scared of staying" clarke said

"You think so?" Bellamy asked, being the way that he is not emotional at all

"I know so" clarke said taking her breath "you can't just leave the camp because you think that all you do is get people killed"

"You don't know me at all princess, the reason why am i doing this is my consern not yours" bellamy said walking away "is late you should get back to camp"

"So that's all, you're just gonna leave?" She asked "what about octavia? Don't you even care about her"

"I know she will be better without me, she got everything she needs" bellamy said

"Once again you're wrong, dont you see it? She's exactly like you, she doesn't want to show emotion because she thinks is weakness" clarke said "she needs you bellamy, i need you" she said in a peaceful and low tone this time

"Clarke, i can't stay here. I'm a monster" bellamy said in a low tone too "and yes, you were right all i do is get people killed, i tried to fool myself saying that everything i was doing was for the good of octavia but it was just a mask for the man who i really am"

"You're not a monster bellamy, you are so far away from that. You had saved us all and yes people have died but 84 of us are still here and that is because of you" clarke said

"So, What do you want me to say clarke" Bellamy asked

"i need you to say that you'll come home with me" clarke said

"You win, i will" bellamy said "now, is late and we shouldn't be here"

"Right, let's get back home" clarke said walking beside bellamy.

Bellarke One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now