Christmas day

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It was all perfect, we somehow made peace with grounders well thanks to lexa to be honest, we got our people out of mount wheather and there hasn't been sing of them since that, and off course; today was christmas day.
I'm (clarke) not such a christmas fan but i can't denied that now on the ground it will be good and different, but most of all good.
There is going to be a party bigger than the unity day one, jasper, monty and wick are the most excited ones, they are also helping the adults organize it.

"Well arent you quite excited about christmas¿" bellamy asked in a sarcastic tone

"What¿ i am, just not like everyone else. I am excited in a different way" clarke said

"like c'mon is there a different way¿" bellamy said

"Well there is actually, im excited because we finally made peace with the grounders and mount weather isnt attacking us" clarke said

"That's more like happy" bellamy said

"Its exciting because its the first like big thing we do without being worried about people wanting to kill us all one by one" clarke said

"You got a point" bellamy said "so, do you have your christmas yet¿" bellamy asked

"My christmas¿ what do you mean¿" clarke said

"You seriusly dont know¿ it was an ark tradition" bellamy said

"Sorry but i dont, what is it about¿" clarke asked

"Basically you ask someone to be your christmas, and share the christmas kiss with that person" bellamy said

"Like the mistletoe¿" clarke said

"Exactly" bellamy said

"Okay... With that been said, or explained i answer your question. No i dont have 'my christmas'" clarke said "and is that an obligation or.."

"No, you decide if you want to do it or not; most people do it though"

"And can you say no if someone ask you¿" clarke said

"Off course, its your choice" bellamy said "thats too many question now, i gotta go and do something. See you at night¿" he asked

"Yeah, see ya" clarke respond, giving him an smile


Night came, red and green brightly lights were hanging all over the gate, loud music playing everywhere, everyone signing along, dancing talking and laughting. I was still in my tent though, i didnt feel like party, just yet.

"Clarke are you here" abby asked entering clarke's tent

"Hi mom" clarke said, laying in her bed

"Lets go, the party started an hour ago" abby said

"Mom, its barely 6 pm plus im not ready yet" clarke said "i'll be there soon dont worry"

"Promise me" abby said

"Okay, sure, i promise" clarke said giving her mom an small smile, which she repond and then leaved.

I dont even know why my mother is so happy about this party, who knoww anyway. About 15 minutes passed, so i started getting ready and when i was finish i went to my bed and started drawing, time passed fast now it was probably 7:30 so i decided to finally leave my tent and join the party.

"Merry christmas" someone said behind me, i turn around and saw octavia

"Merry christmas to you too O" i said and we hug

"So, who's your christmas¿" octavia asked

"Why is everyone asking me that¿" clarke asked back

"Everyone¿" octavia said

"Just you and bellamy actually" clarke laugh

"Well you two have been very close these past few weeks" octavia said smirking

"We've become good friends" clarke said

"Right, friends" octavia said smirking again

"I think someone's waiting for you" clarke said lookimg at lincoln who was entering the gate

"Saved by the bell" octavia said "see ya around" she yelled

Clarke didnt say anything but just smile at her, almost laughting

"Look who finally decided to show up" bellamy said behind her

"Well merry christmas to you too" clarke laughting

"Its nice seeing you happy" bellamy said

"Yeah, feels good" clarke said

"And still getting better" bellamy said and clarke give him a 'really' look "i got you something" bellamy said giving her the well wrapped not so big box

"Really¿" clarke said smiling at him, and when she opened it she was a beautiful, well done flower crown "what's this¿" she asked still smiling

"Well i thought that it was finally time for the princess to have her crown" bellamy said taking the crown from the box and putting it on clarke's head "i know its not that fancy but..."

"It doesnt have to be fancy, its beautiful bellamy and i love it" clarke said giving him a hug "so how do i look¿" she asked making funny poses

"Pretty ridiculous" bellamy said laughting "but beautiful i have to say"

"Thank you very much" she said giggling

"Clarke are you drunk¿" bellamy asked

"What the hell no, im just happy" clarke said smiling "i also got you something"

"Really¿" bellamy asked

"Off course" clarke said putting a mistletoe up them "oh, look. Its a mistletoe"

"You know clarke, if you want to kiss me, just need to ask" bellamy said smirking

"I dont want to kiss you, its not my fault that we casually step under a mistletoe" clarke said getting closer to him

"Yeah not your fault at all" bellamy said then leand in and pressed his lips against her, it was soft and gentle.

"I love you princess" bellamy said

"Wait what¿" clarke asked "bell i only kissed because of the 'my christmas' thing"

"I-i'm" bellamy said and clarke started to laugh "ohh you fool me princess" he said wrapping his arms around her waist

"Indeed i did, if you had saw your face. It was hilarious" clarke said still laughting

"Its not funny¡" bellamy said

"I was kidding bell and yes off course i love you too"

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