all for love

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SUPER SHORT SHOT also very crappy but anyway.. enjoy

"it's been a week! do we still have to pretend we are dating" bellamy asked

"i know i'm ugly but at least don't be too obvious"

"i'm sorry i didn't.."

"nevermind it's fine, wouldn't you like to be with mel? we can end this if you want though.."

"no You right, all for love huh?"

"all for love"

-------------// days later

"There she is" bellamy said

"act like you're in love with me" i said

"what do i do?" Bellamy said

"i don't know just ..." i couldn't finished talking when i felt bellamy's hands on my face

"you had a thing on your cheek" he said rubbishing my cheek

"really ? oh ok thanks for taking it off" i said staring into his eyes

"Uhh uhh" i heard someone cough

inmediately i got separated from bellamy and faced the person "..oh hey mel"

"hi, bellamy can we talk" she said in a bitchy way

"sure" he said and leaved with her

"we are you with that bitch?" she said

"sorry? you mean clarke?" bellamy asked in shock and confused

"i don't like her. so get away from her"

"you know what. mel i was in love with you..." Bellamy couldn't finish when mel's lips were on his

i saw it and i quickly looked away, in this past week i development feelings for bellamy and at some point i thought the same had happened to him but i guess i was wrong

i was looking but bellamy pulled away from the kiss "what the hell are you doing" bellamy asked

"don't u want me to be yours, now you have me" mel said in a horny bitch way

"I did, guess i didn't realiz how spoiled barbid you were" and that was the last thing he said before leaving her standing in shock and coming back to me

"so.. how did it go?" I asked

"like crap, just like her"

"wow wow" i laughted and asked "what the heck happened"

"doesn't matter, they only thing and only one that matters is right here"

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