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Grace lay in bed and groaned, all that she could hear was the voices in her head and it was getting worse and she hated it. Grace was scared. Grace looked as Tom walked in and looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" Tom asked as she looked to him and sighed

"I'm fine dad I am just tired" she said as she sat up as he looked to him and smiled as he sat on the side of her bed and smiled. Tom knew that she wasn't herself at all and that she hadn't been herself for a long time

"I know that I have been through a lot sweetheart but I am your dad and I am here if you ever want to talk. I am your dad and I love you and I am here for you no matter what happens" Tom said as grace looked to him and smiled

"I know that you worry over me dad after all that has happened and that but I really am fine it's just a lot with school and exams but I will get my head around it. I am fine" grace said as Tom looked to her and nodded as he stood up and walked off.

Tom looked to her and sighed to himself knowing that his daughter was far from fine
Grace got to school and saw Simon. She looked to him and sighed as she walked off. He walked after her and grabbed her arm

"get off of me" she spat as he pulled her into an empty classroom and looked to her and rolled his eyes

"no I won't get off of you as I know that there is something going on with you and you are going to tell me what it is. I know you grace and I am worried. I care about you and I can see how scared that you are, talk to me what is it" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek as she looked to him with tears in her eyes and sighed

"I can't tell you, it's complicated you will think I am nuts" she said as he smiled. He could see how scared that she was

"you can tell me anything u know that you can" Simon said as they held a look.

Grace knew it would be so easy to tell him over the voices in her head and how it scared her but she couldn't tell him as she knew it would change everything and she didn't want anyone to look at her ad if she was mad

"you can tell me whenever you are ready okay" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled 

Grace sat in the common room and looked to see Charlie as she walked in and looked to her

"what" grace asked as Charlie looked to her and rolled her eyes

"don't what me grace, I am not stupid and I know you and I know that there is something going on you and I am going to find out no matter what it takes" Charlie said as she walked out as grace looked after her and sighed.

Grace knew that everything was going to change and she couldn't hide what was happening with her for much longer but she had no idea how it was going to change her life

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