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Grace stood in front of the mirror as sighed as she stood in her uniform. She knew that she was heading back to school and she hated it

Grace knew that she was heading back to school and she was scared. Grace knew that she was scared as it was the first time since her break down and the last thing that she wasn't was to be judged because of it all. She knew that everyone had seen or heard over her breakdown as she wasn't ready for all of the questions, the looks and whispering. She was scared

Grace walked into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Tom who looked to her and smiled "are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm okay. It's just a mess. I'm scared dad I mean everyone knows and I just don't know if I can do this" grace said as Tom walked over to his daughter and smiled as he pulled her into a hug and smiled

"I know it's not easy but I am here for you and it will be okay. You don't need to worry. You have been through a lot but I am your dad and it's my job to protect you and you have Charlie too" he said as grace looked to him and smiled

Grace knew that she felt scared over this and she just hoped that she was grace enough to deal with it. She knew they it was going to be far from easy

Grace got to school and stood in the hallway with Charlie who looked to her and smiled

"Are you okay?" Charlie asked as she looked to her twin and smiled

"I'm okay. I'm just scared I mean all of this is a lot" grace said as Charlie looked to her and nodded

"I get that but I'm glad your back I have missed my partner in crime and if anyone says out then they will have me to deal with. Your my sister and you have been through a lot and it will be okay" Charlie said

Grace looked to her sister and smiled as she pulled her into a hug. She was relieved hearing Charlie say that she it made her feel a lot better over coming back to school

Grace glance around the hallway as she saw Simon. He looked to her and smiled. Grace smiled back at him knowing it made her feel a lot better to see him

Grace walked into simons classroom as he looked to her and smiled

"Are you okay? How is your first day back" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"It's okay. I'm glad that your here though" she said as he looked to her and smiled

He pulled her close and kissed her and smiled "it's all going to be okay I promise" he said as grace wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close as the kiss got more passionate

He lifted her up so that she was sitting on the desk and stood between her legs. She started to undo his belt and smirked as she looked to him. He pulled her close as he ran his hands up her thighs and pulled her close

He got between her legs and pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her.

Grace pulled him to her and kissed him passionately unaware of just how everything was going to change

Daddy's little girl (Waterloo road)Where stories live. Discover now