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Tom walked into the kitchen and frowned as he saw just Charlie. He knew that she and grace were inseparable and it wasnt very often that they weren't together. Tom knew that grace had been rebelling and she wasn't herself and knew that his two daughters were hiding secrets and he wanted to know just what it was "where's grace?" Tom asked as Charlie looked to him and rolled her eyes "probably with her new boyfriend" Charlie said as she frowned to herself realising that she had dropped Grace in it all "what boyfriend?" Tom asked as Charlie didn't say anything "Charlie?" He asked as she looked to him and sighed "Finn" "Finn sharkey? Is she for real" Tom asked as he ran a hand through his hair and sighed in frustration as he grabbed his phone off of the side as he tried to call Grace. He frowned as the phone went to answer phone and sighed "Grace it's me. We need to talk, call me back" Tom said as he hung up the phone.


Later that morning, Grace got to school and stood in the hall and smirked as she saw Simon as he walked over to her and looked to her "we need to talk" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "oh please, I think that you have said all you had to say to me sir" she said as she went to walk off as he grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Grace looked to him and sighed. She knew there was still sexual tension between them but she also knew how he treated her and he wouldn't go there because she was his teacher "I know your hiding something and I will find out what it is eventually" he said as grace looked to him and chuckled "good luck with that sir" she said as she pushed past him and walked off

Tom walked over to where Simon was standing "is everything okay?" He asked as Simon looked to her and signed "she's out of control, you need to do something" Simon said as Tom nodded. Tom sat in his classroom later that day as grace walked past "grace in here" "later dad" Grace said as Tom frowned "no now" he said as grace looked to him and rolled her eyes and sighed as she looked to him and sighed "we need to talk" Tom said as she looked to him and glared "no we don't" she said as she went to walk off as he grabbed her arm and looked to her "this needs to stop, your acting out of controlling. Your acting like a child" tom said as grace looked to him and glared "how would you know you were never found when I was child, your still never around" she spat as she pushed past him and glared as she walked out the room.


Later that day, grace sat in the common room as Charlie walked in and smiled as she next to her "are you okay?" Charlie asked as grace nodded "dad and I had a fight, He knew that there is something up and he knows I'm keeping something it's only going to be a matter of time before he learns the truth" grace said as Charlie looked to her and smiled "it's fine, we'll face it  together I dropped you in it with Finn and you and him I'm sorry" Charlie said as grace looked to her and smiled "it's fine, it's not like it's serious" grace said not knowing how much longer she would be able to keep her secret.

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