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Charlie groaned to herself as she walked into the kitchen and saw grace and Tom who were Arguing again. Charlie was worried over grace, she had been acting out of control and she wasn't herself whatsoever "I said no, and I mean it grace. You and Finn sharkey are not spending the night under my roof, over my dead body and by that I do not mean spike me and put me back into hospital again" tom said as he walked out of the room. Charlie looked to grace and sighed "what are you doing grace this isn't like you, you and Finn are no good for each other and you know that I am right" Charlie said as grace looked to her and rolled her eyes "he loves me" grace said as Charlie looked to her and sighed. She knew that grace was acting out of control and it was all to do with Finn. Charlie didn't like it one bit

"You say that you love him. But he isn't good enough for you, I'm being honest with you as I am your sister and I can't lie to you" Charlie said as grace looked to her and sighed "you don't understand though. If he didn't love me then why would he be planning on having sex with me, he wants to make it special after Whah happened to me, to us. Your my sister and your meant to understand over it. Please Charlie, try, try and be nice for me" grace said as Charlie looked to her and smiled "okay I guess so" "and don't tell dad, I can't have him kicking off with me over it" grace said as Charlie looked to her and smiled "I won't" Charlie said. Charlie knew that she still wasn't happy over Finn and grace but she knew she had to be there for grace


Grace sighed as she sat in the office. She and Finn has been brought back to school after grace had destroyed a painting on a school trip. Grace sighed as she ran a hand through her hair and looked to tom as he walked into the office "are you happy, are you happy with the damage that you have done grace. I don't even know what is going on with you anymore. I don't even know if o can handle you. Charlie, sure she went through the same thing as you did bit she isn't acting like a criminal" Tom said as grace looked to him and frowned "I'm not a criminal" "well you need to stop acting like one and if you don't I don't know what I'll do, I'll have to send you back to your mum" tom said as grace looked to him and frowned. She felt hurt and unwanted over how he was threatening to send her away


Charlie sighed to herself as she stood In the house and frowned as she looked to see grace as she sneaked out. Charlie knew she was going off to be with Finn and Charlie knew that nothing she could do could stop grace. She was heading for disaster no matter what anyone said or did

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