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Grace woke up and groaned as she ran a hand through her hair. Grace still felt guilty over what she had done to Tom. It was driving her mad as the guilt hit her. Grace stood up and got ready for school as she walked down into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Charlie and tom. Who were waiting for her. Grace looked to them and frowned as she ran a hand through her hair and looked to them "what's going on?" She asked as Tom looked to her and smiled "come sit down grace, we all need to talk" he said as grace looked to Charlie as they both exchanged a worried look. Grace sat next to Tom as he looked to her and smiled "I know that you have both been through a lot and that you are both struggling and I just want you to know that I am here for you both and I want you to know that it's all going to be okay" Tom said as grace looked to him and smiled

Grace looked to Tom and sighed "it's not that easy dad, it's not easy to just forget it" grace said as Charlie looked to her and smiled "I know, but I want to be there for you both" tom said as grace looked to him and smiled "I just don't see how we are meant to get past this, I just don't get it. How he did this to us and how he gets away with this and we have to live with this" grace said as Tom looked to her and smiled "it's going to be okay, I promise you that he isn't going to get away with heat he did. To either of you. I am your dad and it's my job to look after you and I will" Tom said as grace and Charlie looked to him and smiled


Grace got to school and stood on the hallway with Finn. They were messing around. Simon walked down the hall and saw her "grace a word" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes. She walked after him and into his classroom and looked to him and sighed "I think he fancies to babe" Finn said as grace looked to him and smirked "I can't blame him but it will be okay" grace said as she kissed Finn briefly before she walked off into simons classroom. He looked to her and frowned "what he he'll are you playing at? Wasn't it enough when you put your father in hospital. Finn is bad news" Simon said as grace looked to him and rolled her eyes "and you sound like a jealous" she said as she went to walk off as he grabbed her arm and looked to her "he is bad news" "I can make my own decisions" grace spat as she walked off


Grace sat in the common room with Finn as Charlie walked in and looked to them. Charlie was worried over graces relationship with him. It made her feel uneasy "grace are you coming for lunch" she asked as grace shock her head "no, she's staying with me" Finn said as Charlie frowned unaware of possessive Finn was becoming with grace

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