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Grace woke up hungover and groaned to herself. She ran a hand through her hair. She walked into the kitchen and frowned as she saw tom who was sitting at the kitchen table and frowned "what are you doing here?" Grace said as Charlie looked to her and smirked "nice to see you too sis" she said as Tom walked over to grace and sighed "sit down, I need to talk to you both" he said as grace frowned as she sat down. Tom looked to them both and smiled "I'm glad that you are both here but I know that there is a reason and I want to know why" he said as Charlie went to say something as grace smiled "it's nothing dad, we don't like her fiancée that's all" grace said as Charlie looked to her and frowned "why not?" Tom asked as grace sighed "£3. Just dodgy that's all" grace said as Tom looked to them and nodded. He knew they was hiding something.

Grace and Charlie went to stand up to walk out of the room as Tom stopped grace and looked to her "we need to talk" he said as she looked to him and frowned "why?" She asked as he sighed "I know hat you were out drinking last night and it needs to stop your fifteen and you had an abortion and you don't want to talk about it" tom said as she sighed "dad please" she said as Tom smiled to her "you don't understand dad, you weren't there. You left and you forgot about me and Charlie and you had no idea what we went through" grace said as Tom frowned "you and Charlie are the Most important people to me, I just want to be here for you" he said as she looked to him and smiled.


Later that day, grace and Charlie got to school and sighed. They had both been enrolled at Waterloo road and both felt like outcasts, grace looked down the hall and saw tom who was arguing with Davina. Charlie looked to them and smirked "I don't see what he sees in her, she's a horrid cow" Charlie said As race smirked "she's blonde and has boobs, what else to men want" grace said as Charlie chuckled. Grace felt bad knowing that she and Charlie were keeping secrets off of what happened to her and grace knew that it was for the best and that Tom couldn't know just what had happened.

Later that day, grace walked down the hall and smirked as she saw Simon. The man that she had gotten close with the previous night. He saw her a paled as he realised that she was a student and that nothing could happen between them "well hello" she said as he looked to her and frowned "your a student? You didn't tell me hat last night" he said as she looked to him and smirked "so?" "So we can't happen as I am your deputy" he said as grace looked to him and frowned. She felt hurt that he had said so but she wanted him and knew no matter what she was going to do what she had to, to get him.

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