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Grace sat in bed as she looked to Simon as he stood getting refreshed. She had sneaked him in and they had ended up having sex "are you okay" Simon said as he stood at the bottom of the bed

Grace smiled as she looked to him as he stood with his shirt open as he looked at her in concern

"I'm okay. I promise I was just thinking over everything and going back to school and it's a big deal and it means pretending that your just my teacher" she said as she crawled to the end of the bed. Dropping the sheets as she wrapped her arms around his neck

He looked to her and smirked as he kissed her passionately "I am your teacher though" he said as she smirked

"Then I guess I better do as you tell me" grace said as she looked to him and smirked.

Simon moaned as she ran a hand down his chest and palmed his length. He was turned on

"We'll get caught" he said as she smirked

"I'll be quiet" she said as he grabbed her waist and flipped her. He climbed on top of her and smirked

"We better make sure" he said as she grabbed her school tie that they had used early and handed it to him and smirked as he tied it around her head gagging her.

Grace looked to him and smirked ad he stripped off before he got between her legs and pulled her close. She pulled him to her as he pushed into her. She rolled her head back and bite down onto the tie as he started to buck his hips against hers causing her to roll her head back into her head as she dug her nails into his back

Grace stood in the kitchen with Tom and Charlie. Tom looked to grace as she yawned "are you okay Gracie?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm fine I didn't sleep that well that's all. I'm going to go back to school and have a few hours I have therapy at half 11" grace said as Tom nodded

"Do you want me to take you?" He asked as she smiled

"No it's okay they're arranging a taxi" grace said as Tom nodded. He walked out of the kitchen as his phone rang

"No wonder that your tired" Charlie said as grace took a sip of her coffee

"I don't know what you mean" grace said

"It's a good job dad is a deep sleeper or he would of heard you and a certain deputy head all night. He makes you happy doesn't he?" Charlie asked as grace smiled

"He does"

Grace smiled as she walked out of the doctors and saw Simon as he sat in the car park. She got in and smiled

"You didn't need to pick me up" she said as he smiled

"It's lunch time. So I thought I'd take you for lunch and you can tell me how it went" he asked as she smiled

"Well I'll always have schizophrenia but as long as I'm on my meds I'll be okay and he thinks I'm ready to go back to school I'm just scared. Last time I was there I had a break down during my exam and got sectioned" grace said as Simon looked to her and smiled

"I know it's hard but I'm here and I know that you can do this" he said as he leant in and kissed her but was grace really ready to go back to school

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