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Grace stood by her locker as Finn looked into his starring into space. She looked to him and frowned "please tell me that your kidding me?" She asked as he looked to her and frowned "does it look like I'm kidding Gracie? I'm moving to America and there is nothing I can do about it" he said as she looked to him and frowned "no, we can't give up. We have to find a way to stop them. I love you Finn I do, it hurts me so much. I am willing to do anything I can to fight for us so why aren't you?" She asked as he looked to her and smiled "I am, more than you know. There is just nothing that you can do" he said as he walked off. Grace frowned. She loved Finn and she couldn't loose him. She couldn't just sit back and do nothing as he moved to America. She knew that she would never see him again

Grace walked off to the office and saw Rachel "miss, you got to do something. They're taking him away. Away from me" she said as Rachel sighed "grace it's a family matter and they have informed us he is moving and there is nothing I can do" she said as grace frowned "no, you never wanted us to be together did you. I am not going to loose him" grace said as she walked out of the room. She asked to the car park and sat next to him and smiled "there is something we can do. We talked about it that day at the beach" he said as she looked to him and frowned "you mean?" "I mean, let's do it that way we will be together forever" Finn said as grace looked to him and nodded "let's do it" she said


Grace walked down the hall and over to where Charlie was and hugged "you should know I love you so much and your ace, don't let anyone tell you otherwise" grace said as Charlie looked to her and frowned. Charlie could tell that she was off and she was worried "grace what's going on?" "Nothing look I have to go I love you" grace said as she ran off down the hall to find Finn. Charlie frowned to herself as she watch her sister run off and sighed. Grace was up to something. Grace ran over to where Finn was and smiled "are you ready?" He asked as she nodded. She dumped her stuff with his in the bin and smiled as he took her hand "just you and me babes" he said as he kissed her


Grace sat on the beach with Finn and sighed "right come on. We came here to do it lets go" he said as grace stood to her feet and frowned "grace?" She heard Tom yell as she turned to face him and sighed "this is great, he can see what we're doing" Finn said as she frowned "I can't, I can't do it" she said as he frowned "you lied to me" he said as he went to run off into the ocean as Tom ran after him. Tom grabbed him and stopped him as grace frowned. She realised that she and Finn were over and it was for the best.


Tom looked to grace as he walked over to her and smiled "I'm sorry" grace said as he looked to her and smiled "I know, it will be okay I promise" Tom said as he pulled her into a hug but would it be a turning point for grace?

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