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Grace knew how she was trying to make it all work. She had been through so much lately. And she wanted to keep it working out. She felt as though she had come through it all.

She knew she was proud of herself for everything she had overcome. She had her dad and her sister there for her. But more importantly, she had Simon.

Simon had been her rock through everything. He was there for her and he supported her. She knew she couldn't have overcome everything if it hadn't been for him.

Grace had been feeling on top of the world lately and she wanted to somehow keep it up.

All she knew was that her life was back on track. And she was going to keep it that way. No matter what it took.

Morning came and Grace woke in bed. She smiled as she stretched a little. She sighed and went into her bathroom. Wanting to take a shower and to feel fresh.

Just as she finished, the door opened and her dad walked in. "Morning. I've made you some breakfast. Don't suppose you know where Charlie is? Her bed hasn't been slept in," he said.

Grace shook her head and smiled. "No. But I'll be down in a minute dad," she told him.

Tom nodded. He left the bedroom. Grace sighed and text her sister. Wanting to give her the heads up of how their dad was after her.

Grace went to put her phone down when she saw a text from Simon;

won't be in school today. Got a meeting. Pick you up later/Simon x

Grace smiled. She put the phone away and got dressed. She was going to find it hard being at school without Simon. But she had to somehow do it.

Grace went into school with her dad. She saw Charlie who had just been dropped off by Max Tyler. Grace raised her eyebrows. "Well. That is who you've been getting laid by? Naughty girl."

Charlie rolled her eyes but smiled. She nodded. "It's only sex. That's literally all it is. And you're one to talk. Simon Lowsley ring a bell?"

"Hey. As long as you're careful. And Simon isn't here today. He's at a meeting. So I'm without him," Grace said as she looked to her.

Charlie smiled. "You've got me. You know that? You're not alone here."

"Thanks Char. I know I'm doing okay. It's just hard to think that my life used to be out of control," Grace said.

"I get you."

Grace was sitting in the common room. The door opened and Tom walked in. "Hey. You okay?" He asked as he looked to her.

Grace nodded. She smiled. "I'm okay. I'm just taking it one day at a time," she told him as she looked to him.


Simon pulled up the side of Grace. She got into the car and smiled. "Hey. I've missed you today," she said as she kissed him.

"I missed you too. But my meeting went well. You could be looking at the next joint head of Waterloo Road," Simon told her as he kissed her lips.

Grace grinned as she laid her head on his chest. But she had no idea how her life was about to be flipped upside down.

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