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Grace sighed to herself as she got to school. She stood against a wall hungover. She wore her sunglasses and sighed to herself as Charlie walked over to her and smirked as she looked to her sister "you know that dad is after you, he isn't happy with you sneaking out?" Charlie said as Grace looked to him and sighed "funny, I thought that he was more worried over his precious blonde girlfriend slaggy Davina" grace said as Charlie looked to her and chuckled "are you okay? This isn't like you grace. I know your upset and angry over everything that happened but you don't need to do this, I'm here, I went through it too. You can talk to me" Charlie said as grace looked to her and sighed "I can't. I aborted his baby Charlie and you don't know what it did to me, it destroyed me that, that monster did to us and then I got pregnant. It was why I ran. I told dad mum kicked me out, I can't tell anyone what happened" grace said as Charlie looked to her and smiled.

"I know but I'm here, no matter what" Charlie said as grace smiled. She frowned as she saw Simon lowsley, as he stood from the car. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. She knew that there was something about him that she wanted. She knew that he made her feel sane over what she had been through. Finn Sharkey walked over to where grace and Charlie stood and looked to them and smirked "if it isn't my favourite Clarkson sisters" he said as Charlie rolled her eyes "back off, jerk" "shame and I thought we could get to know each other better. What about you Gracie, what do you think?" He asked as she caught eye contact with Simon and smirked "maybe" she said as she walked off with Charlie "are you mad grace?" Charlie asked "no, it's just a bit of fun"


Later that day, Grace stood in the hallway with Finn as he stood flirtingq with her. She spotted Simon and smirked. She knew he was jealous and loved that he was annoyed by it. He walked over to her "grace, a word" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "excuse me sir but we were having a private conversation" Finn said as Simon looked to him "best it sharkey before I put you in the cooler for the rest of the week" he said as grace walked into a classroom.

Simon followed her and looked to her "stay away from Finn" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "why, are you jealous?" She asked as he glared "of course not" "you can't tell me what to do sir" she spat as she went to walk off as he grabbed her wrist roughly as she looked to him with fear "he's bad news" "get off of me" grace said almost screaming as he let go off her as she looked to him with fear which he noticed as she ran off down the hall. Simon frowned to himself knowing something was up with grace as she stood down the hall flighting the tears as she thought of that last time someone grabbed her like that and what had happened afterwards. She was scared.


Later that night. Charlie sighed as she saw grace sneak out of the house. She knew that grace was off to meet Finn and didn't like it but she knew how stubborn her sister was and knew she was doing all of this to get at Tom and get is attention after everything that had happened. Grace wanted to annoy tom and wanted her fathers attention now more than anything.

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