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Grace stood in the kitchen Charlie as there was a knock at the door "I'll get it" Tom called as grace stood texting Finn. Charlie looked to her and rolled her eyes "I wish that you would stay away from him, he's no good for you grace" Charlie said as Grace looked to her and rolled her eyes "you sound like dad" "I'm looking out for you" Charlie said as grace rolled her eyes as she looked to her "whatever" grace said. Tom walked into the kitchen and frowned as he looked to Charlie and grace "I hope that your not arguing" Tom said as they said nothing "good, because there's someone to see you" Tom said as Claire walked in and smiled "hi babies" she said as grace stood looking at her as Charlie walked over to her and smiled as she hugged her "mum" she said as she hugged her. Grace stood frozen in spot as Claire looked to her and smiled "I came to see you, your dad told me everything and i think we need to talk" Claire said

Grace looked to her and sighed as she walked over to Claire who hugged her and smiled "come on" Claire said as she walked into the living room. Grace followed her and sat down as Claire looked to her and smiled "what's going on with you" "what do you mean?" Grace asked "you know what I mean, your acting out of control and this boy. He's no good for you" Claire said "you know nothing, you haven't been here" grace said as Claire sighed "I know but I know bad news, and there what he is. He has changed you for the good and I'm here to sort it all pot as he is only going to hurt you and I know I let you down last time but I won't let anyone hurt my babies" Claire said as grace looked to him and smiled


Grace stood in the office and frowned as she stood with Finn "what do you mean we can't see each other? You can't do this" grace said as Rachel looked to her and sighed "I can and i have , I've spoken to your parents and they have agreed" "you mean my father you up to it, unbelievable" grace said as she rolled her eyes "that's enough grace, it's final and I won't say a word on it and if you don't them we'll have to see over you going to another school" Rachel said as grace looked to her and sighed


Charlie stood watching as she saw grace and Finn. They had sneaked out of class to see each other. Charlie looked to them and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair. Charlie was worried, she was worried over her sister and the control that Finn had on her. She only hoped that she could help grace see sense and get away from Finn before it was too late. Charlie knew that the sooner grace got away from Finn sharkey then the better

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