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Charlie sneaked into the hospital. It was late at night and she wanted to see her sister, she wanted to see her sister.

Charlie was worried over grace and she knew how grace had a mental break down and she hated it, she hated knowing what her twin was going through and how she did know.

Charlie walked into graces room and smiled as she sat next to her bed, she looked to grace as she slept on the side of her bed like she always did and took a seat next to her and smiled

"Charlie" grace said as she looked to her sister and smiled, she was glad that she was there

"hey you dad doesn't want me to see you, he thinks it would upset you but I think he forgets that we are twins and how we have a connection but I promise you I am not going anywhere, you are my sister and you need me and no matter what I am going to sit by your side and I am going to be there for you. It's all going to be okay I promise" Charlie said as grace looked to her and smiled.

Charlie just wanted her sister to be okay after all  that she had been through
Charlie got to school and stood in the hallway as she saw Simon, she knew that he had grace had something going on and she knew her sister was going through a tough time and she knew that  the last thing that she wanted was for grace to be hurt, she didn't deserve that

Charlie walked over to Simon and looked to him

"can we talk" she asked as Simon looked to her confused

"okay" he asked as she followed him into his classroom and looked to him

"I'm not stupid. I know my sister and I know that you have something going on and I know you have been visiting her but grace is going through a hard time but if you are going to be there and I mean really be there and support her I don't mind but if you are in this for fun for someone to sleep with then you are after the wrong girl" Charlie said as Simon looked to her and frowned

"I can promise you that it's more than sex, grace means a lot to me and I am not going to mess her around and hurt her" Simon said as Charlie looked to him and nodded

"good, as she doesn't deserve that" Charlie said as she walked off

Tom walked into graces hospital room and smiled.

"hey I brought you some chocolate princess. How are you doing" he asked as he saw how down she was

"like a disappointment. I know that this is all my fault and I hate it and I'm sorry" grace said as Tom  placed a hand on top of hers and smiled

"I know it's hard what you have been through but you are my daughter and I love you and I prime you that you have been through a lot and that none of it is your fault" Tom said as grace smiled but could she believe him and could she ever feel normal again after everything?

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