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Grace walked down into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Tom "hey" he said as grace smiled

"How's it like being back at school" tom asked as she looked to him

"It's okay but it's a lot I have been off a long time" grace said as he looked to her and smiled

"I know and I know it's been easy but none of what happened was your fault and you are going to get better. It is going to be okay. It is just going to take some time to adjust but as your dad I promise I will be with you every step of the way" tom said as grace looked to him and smiled as she hugged him

He hugged her back and frowned "what was that for" he asked as she smiled

"For being my dad and for being great and sticking by me with all of this" she said as Tom looked to her and smiled

"Well I am your dad and it's my job to be there in tough times. I know it's hard but I promise you your getting better and yeah you'll always have this condition but we will learn how to manage it and it will be okay" Tom said as grace smiled

She knew how none of it was easy and how she was trying to make to work and she was trying to her mental health back on path. She knew how things hadn't been easy but she did want to make it work

Grace looked to her phone and smiled as she saw a text off of Simon. She knew how things hadn't been easy but she knew how Simon had been there for her and how he had supported her through things even though it wasn't easy

Grace got to school and sat in the common room and smiled as Charlie walked in "And where were you last night" grace asked as Charlie looked to her sister and smirked

"If I had to tell you I'd have to kill you" Charlie said as grace looked to her and smirked

"That love bite on your neck tells me all I need to know if I were you I'd cover it up before dads finds you. I covered for you but he has questions" grace said as Charlie smiled

"Thanks. Are you okay" Charlie asked. She knew how worried that has been and things hadn't been easy for her twin lately

"I'm okay I'm getting there one day at a time and it's all I can do right now" grace said as Charlie looked to her and smiled

"You'll be okay. Your a survivor" Charlie said as grace looked to her and smiled

Grace walked into Simons office as he looked to her and smiled "you okay?" He asked as she nodded

"I'm good I'm better than I have been in a long time" she said as he smirked. He walked over to her and grabbed her waist and smiled

"I want you to know I am always here for you I will look after you" he said as he leant in and kissed her.

Grace wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed hun back unaware of how everything was about to change

Daddy's little girl (Waterloo road)Where stories live. Discover now