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A/N; Charlie Clarkson and any kiddies she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_


Grace walked into the office and sighed as she sat down. Tom sat next to her and smiled "so when were you going to tell me that you were pregnant? When it was born?" Tom asked as grace looked to her father and sighed "I don't know, I messed up dad. Besides I never said I was keeping it" grace spat as tom looked to her and sighed "what are you saying?" He asked his daughter who looked to him with tears in her eyes "I don't know, I don't know what to do" she said as Tom looked to her. He was pissed and he couldn't believe grace had been having sex never mind that she was pregnant "I'll tell you what I'd tell anyone else, you have the right to tell the father, and you have three options; you have an abortion, you keep it and let someone else raise it or you keep it and raise it the best of your abilities" tom said.

"Will you stop calling it an it?" She said as she ran her hand through her hair and looked out of the window. Grace knew she was crying. She was scared. She looked to tom and sighed. She knew what she needed to do "will you stick by me no matter what I choose or will you kick me out like mum?" Grace asked as tom looked to her and smiled "I'll support you, no matter what" Tom said as she smiled. "I don't want you to hate me, but I can't have this baby" she said as Tom looked to her and smiled "that's okay, come here" tom said as he pulled grace into a hug as she cried into his chest.


A few days bad past since grace had arrived back in Rochdale. Tom had officially enrolled his daughter at Waterloo road. Grace stood in the hallways and sighed as she stood texting her sister Charlie, grace knew what she ran from and knew Charlie was going through the same from the hands of their mums boyfriend but grace didn't want tom to know. She didn't want tom to hate her over it. It was the reason that she couldn't keep her baby. Grace looked to her phone and smiled st you looked to the text message;
I miss you xx- Charlie

Grace looked down at the text and smiled to herself. Tom walked down the hall and looked to grace and smiled "come on, we better go" he said as she looked to him and sighed. Tom could tell that she was scared as he placed a hand on his daughter's shoulder and smiled "are you sure you want this?" "I have to daddy, I can't" grace said as Tom smiled to her and pulled her into a hug "come on" tom said as grace looked to him and sighed. Grace knew how much she wished her mum was there to support her, but knew that tom was all that she had. He was the only one to support her through the abortion.


Later that night, Grace sneaked out of the house. She was annoyed and stole a bottle of vodka as she sneaked off to a club. She downed the bottle of vodka as she got to the club. She walked to the bar and smirked as she spotted a guy. He looked to her and smiled "can I get you a drink?" He asked as grace looked to him and smiled "sure" she said as he smiled "I'm Simon" "grace" grace said as he handed her a drink. Grace sat at the bar with Simon as she found herself getting more and more drink. He ran his hands up her thighs as he looked to her and smirked "what do you say we get out of here?" He asked as she smirked "sure" grace said as she walked out of the club with him. Little did grace know how much her life was going to chance and how her twin sister was about to arrive and shake everything up.

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