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Grace sat in the kitchen and looked to see Tom as he walked in and looked to her, Tom could see how much better that grace was doing and he was glad, he hated to see grace how she was a few months ago, he knew that his daughter was in such a better place now

"I wanted to talk to you, have you taken your meds" Tom asked as grace sighed "I have dad I know I have to take them you don't need to worry over me" grace said as Tom walked over to her and smiled

"you are my little girl I will always worry over you" Tom said as grace smiled, grace knew that things were hard but she knew how supportive that he was trying to be

"what did you want to talk to me over" grace asked as he smiled

"I know it's a bit soon but going back to school, you have missed a lot of school and I don't want you to fall behind. It's possible you may have to resist this year" Tom said as grace sighed, grace knew that she was expecting to resist the year and she knew that the thought of going back to school scared her

"I don't know"

"just think over it okay" Tom said as grace looked to him and nodded
Grace sat in her room as Charlie walked in and looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" Charlie asked as grace sighed

"I don't know dad wants me to go back to school" grace said as Charlie smiled

"I heard, I know that you are scared but you don't need to be. You are strong and going back to school is nothing to worry about" Charlie said as grace Sighed

"I know it's just the fact I'll have to redo this year" grace said as Charlie smiled

"I know but so will I" Charlie said as grace looked to her and frowned


"I have been too busy fooling around with max and I failed my exams so I have to resit the years it's my own fault but you won't be alone and you have nothing to worry over it will all be okay" Charlie said as grace looked to her sister and smiled.

Grace knew it was all a mess and how worried that she was over going back to school.

She knew that the whole school new over her breakdown and she knew it meant another year of Simon being her teacher, grace knew it was complicated and she didn't know what to do

Grace answered the front door as she saw Simon, she looked to him and smirked as she pulled him inside and kissed him.

He grabbed her waist and kissed her back as she lead him to her bedroom. She pulled him inside as they started to strip off, he got between her legs and pulled her close.

He ran a hand up her thighs and pulled her close as he pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her

she pulled him close and rolled her head back as she felt herself release her load as he followed her, Simon pulled her close and kissed her passionately

"everything is going to be okay i promise" he said as she smiled but could they make it work?

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