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Grace sighed as she sat on the side of the bed.

She was finally going home and she was feeling anxious over it all and she hated it, she hated how she was feeling and she hated how it was getting to her, grace looked to see Tom as he walked into the room and looked to her and smiled

"hey kiddo are you okay" he asked as grace looked up at him and sighed

"I don't know, I'm scared I mean I had a breakdown and now I'm schizophrenic and now I am meant to go home and what pretends it didn't happen" grace said as Tom looked to her and smiled

"no one said that I know it's hard to go home and think over going back to school but it's taking it Step by step and it isn't easy but you are not alone and we have to move forward that's all. I know its hard but we will be there for you no matter what it takes" Tom said as grace looked to him and smiled,

grace hated all that she was going through and she hated how strong that she was trying to be but she knew that it was far from easy and that she didn't know what to think over it all

Grace sat in her room and sighed, she knew how hard that she was trying to get her life back on track and she knew that it wasn't easy, grace looked as Charlie walked into the room and looked to her and smiled

"hey are you okay" Charlie asked as grace sighed

"I don't know, it's just all a mess and dad is on about getting better and going back to school but the last time I was at school I had a break down in front of the whole school and I don't know if I can do it, I don't know if I'm ever ready or i will ever be ready" grace said as Charlie sat next to her and smiled. Grace knew it wasn't easy at all

"I know, I know its hard but you don't have to do anything that you are not ready to do and it will be okay. You can do this, you can make it work and I know how hard it is but you will be okay" Charlie said as grace looked to her and smiled.

Grace knew how her sister was trying to be there and be supportive but all that grace knew was that she had to find a way to deal with how she was always going to be suck with a mental illness

Grace walked out of the house and down the street, she knew that she needed some air and that it was all getting to her

grace smiled as she saw Simon as he stood at the bridge at the end of her street, she looked to him and smiled

"thanks for coming" she said as he looked her to her and smiled

"of course" he said as she looked to him and smiled. Grace knew that things were awkward

"I know I have let you down in the past but I am here and I promise I am there for you and it's all going to be okay" he said as she looked to him and smiled.

She was grateful that he was there and she knew how he wanted to help her but grace knew that everything for her had changed and things weren't going to be easy

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