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Grace groaned as she woke up in hospital. She frowned as she started panicking. She looked to see her dad there. She looked to him. "What happened?" She asked.

"You were in a car accident. With Mr Lowsley. Want to tell me what the hell you were doing in a car with him?"


"No Grace. Why were you in a car with someone I work with?" Tom asked. Knowing he wanted answers. He wasn't going to let this go.

Grace shook her head. "I'm not going this today dad. I've just been in a car accident. So I don't need this. Give me a break. Please," she told him.

Tom looked to his daughter. "I'm not letting this go Grace. There's something going on with you and Simon Lowsley. And I'm going to find out what it is. There's a reason you were in the car with him," he said.

"Let it go dad."

Tom stood and walked out. Grace looked up as Charlie walked in. She smiled. "Hey. Dad found out?" She asked.

Grace sighed. She shook her head. "He knows there's something going on. He knows I was in the car with Simon," she said. She frowned. "Where's Simon?"

Charlie looked to her. "The car that crashed into you. It slammed into the drivers side. Simon... he's not good. It's not looking good for him. The doctors are doing all they can for him," she told her.

"How did you find out?"

"Told the doctor I was his daughter. It's not looking good though. You needed to know," Charlie told her. She smiled. "I think he'll pull through. He's Mr Lowsley. He'll always pull through."

"I can't lose him Charl. He's the love of my life. He's opened my heart to love after what we've bent through. And now, I could lose him?" Grace sobbed.

"It's gonna be okay. I promise you. Whatever happens, it will be fine," Charlie told her as she took her hand.

A few days later, Grace had been discharged from the hospital. She had been given blood tests just to check her iron levels as she had been told she was extremely pale.

Tom walked into her bedroom. He sighed. "Look, I need to know what's going on. With you and Simon Lowsley. Don't lie to me either Grace. Are you having an affair with him?" Tom asked as he looked to his daughter.

Grace looked down at the bed. She just nodded. "Yeah. I'm sorry. But he loves me. And I love him. He makes me happy dad. the happiest I've been in a long time. And I need you to understand that for me," she said.

Tom was in disbelief. He couldn't believe it. He had no words at all. "You realise he will lose his job for this. He will lose everything!" He all but yelled.

Grace shook her head. "No he won't. Because no one is going to say anything. Please dad. Don't do this to me," she said.

"Don't beg. He's crossed the line," Tom said as before he walked out.

Grace snuck into the hospital. She walked into Simon's room and smiled. "You need to wake up. I can't do this without you. Please don't die on me," she mumbled.

But with Simon fighting for his life, would he be okay? Or would Grace lose the one person who had opened her heart to love?

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