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Grace sat in the kitchen. She looked to see Tom as he walked on. Tom looked to his daughter and sighed, he was worried over her. Tom knew over how distant that grace had been.

She had become quiet and withdrawn and he knew that she wasn't herself at all, it scared him.

"Grace, are you okay" Tom asked as he sat opposite her. He looked to her and smiled

"I'm fine dad, just leave me alone" grace said as Tom shock his head

"no, I am not going to leave you alone. You have been through a lot over the past few months, Finn, you almost got expelled and after all just. You don't seem to care. What is going on with you grace" Tom asked as she looked to him and sighed

"nothing is going on, maybe I just want to be left alone. I am trying to keep my head down for once" grace said. Tom looked to her and sighed, he wasn't going to let it go

"If you say so, but I know that there is something bothering you Gracie. Your still my little girl and you just don't seem yourself" Tom said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes.

She stood up and walked out of the room and sighed as she saw Charlie who walked n the room. Grace walked out of the house as Charlie looked to Tom and frowned

"is she okay" Charlie asked as Tom looked to her and sighed

"I don't know Charlie, I know it would be different after how her and Finn ended but I didn't think that she would be off and so out of it. Can you talk to her, she is your sister and if she will talk to anyone it is you. You know what she is like" Tom said as Charlie looked to him and smiled

"I will try my best but you know grace dad, if she wants a secret kept. She is the expert at keeping it and you know it" Charlie said as Tom looked to her and sighed.

He knew that she was right and he had to find out just what was bothering grace.


Grace sighed to herself as she sat in the cooler for fighting, she looked to see Simon as he walked in and smiled.

"You know after last term I thought that you would be keeping your head down" Simon said as she looked to him and sighed

"it was the idea, but it didn't happen" she said. Simon looked to her and frowned. He could see that she wasn't herself. Simon walked over and sat on the desk next to her and smiled

"grace, you can tell me anything if there is something that is bothering you" Simon said as grace looked to him and smiled

"I don't know, I don't know what is going on, it is all a big mess" grace said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"it's going to be okay, I promise" he said as they held a look for a moment as she leant in and kissed him. Grace knew it wasn't the best thing to do but she knew it felt right. Simon kissed her back for a moment before he pulled away as he realised what he was doing

"you kissed me back"

"it shouldn't of happened"


Charlie walked into the common. She sat next to grace and smiled

"your very quiet, are you sure your okay" Charlie asked as grace looked to her and sighed

"I'm fine,I swear just leave me alone" grace said as Charlie looked to her and sighed

"your my twin sister I am never going to leave you alone" charlee said as grace groaned as she stood up and walked off.

Charlie knew that grace wasn't herself but little did Charlie know what was wrong with grace and how her sister would never be the same again

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