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Tom groaned to himself as he heard the sound of knocking at the door. He stood from the bed as Davina slept next to him and grabbed his dressing "what's going on?" Davina asked "flaming Kelly's" he said as he walked out of the room and down the stairs "what the hell are you...Grace?" He said as he looked to see his fifteen year old daughter who stood in front of him "what are you doing here? It's three in the morning" he said as grace looked to him and smiled "mum kicked me out, she got a stupid new boyfriend. She said I should go live with you and you would straighten me out and something about me being a cow, so here I am" grace said as she walked into the house as tom grabbed her bags and followed her in. He looked to her and smiled as he walked over to her and hugged her.

"I missed you kiddo" he said as grace looked to him and smiled "i missed you too daddy" she said as chlo and Donte walked down the stairs "to what's going on?" Chlo asked as Davina walked out of the room and followed her "this is grace my daughter, she's going to be staying for a bit, grace this is chlo my stepdaughter and this is Davina my girlfriend" tom said as he wrapped an arm around Davina and kissed her. Grace looked to them and frowned "nice to meet you grace" Davina said as grace nodded "that's nice" grace said as she walked into the kitchen. She didn't like to see the life her father had built without her in it.


Grace walked into the kitchen and smiled as she looked to tom and smiled "hi princess, I made you some pancakes" he said as grace looked to him and smiled "thanks daddy" she said as she took a seat and smiled "your coming with me to work today and I'll talk to miss mason over getting you enrolled" he said as she looked to him and nodded "I'm use to it, being there new kid" grace said as tom looked to her and frowned. He realised just how much that he didn't realise about her "well no more, this is your room now and we're going to turn mikas bedroom into a bedroom for you, I'll try and call your mum later" tom said as grace looked to him"no don't, leave it it's not worth it" grace said as tom looked to her and nodded. He knew she was hiding something.


Grace sat in the staffroom as tom handed her some work books as she looked to him "really?" She asked as he looked to her "your not falling behind on work, I spoke to miss mason and you start on Monday, do your work and stay out of trouble" tom said as he Walked out of the room as grace sighed to herself and looked down at the maths work book and sighed to herself. She knew that now that she lives with tom that live would be different. She knew that her father was a lot more strict on her then her mum was and knew that things were going to change.

Later that day, tom walked into the staffroom and frowned as he spotted grace. He pulled the headphone that she was listening to put and looked to her "when were you going to tell me that up we're pregnant?" He asked as grace looked down and sighed "you talked to mum?" "Yes and now we are going to talk" tom said as Grace nodded.

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