Part 11

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Y/N pov

"Come on Natsuo this way" I said as I rushed upstairs in the apartment building. Natsuo laughed and followed me. He has never seen my place till now. I opens the door and let Natsuo enter first. I saw him look around with his mouth open. "Y/N this place is amazing." He said while he looked back at me. I didn't really know what to say. "Thank you so much" was all I could bring up. "Well I'll just take a quick shower and get into a normal outfit, I'll be right back, oh and the tv is over here." I said and showed him how the tv worked. "Thanks
Y/N, you sure I can't shower with you though?" He said with a wink. "Haha ill go alone" I said not wanting to get into this conversation. It made me quite uncomfortable.

I left towards my room and got some clothes the bring with me. I turned the shower on and waited till it was warm. I got under the warm water and started to clean myself.

After I dried myself off I got dressed and brushed my hair. I put the used towels in the basket and opens the door the living room. "I'm all done, let's go" I said. Natsuo turned toetje with a sweet smile. "Sure let's go, you look good," he said. He got up and walked towards me. He grabbed my hand to guide me out. We walked out way towards a cafe he said was amazing.

We arrived at a nice cafe. It was a bit of a walk but Natsuo said it was worth it. He opens the door for me and a cracked a smile at him before walking in. We got to a man who waited for us. "Hello, did you make a reservation?" He asked Natsuo. "Yes I did, its under the name Natsuo Todoroki" he said. It's stil is weird that he is the son of my boss Endeavor. But I'll manage. "This way please" he man said. We followed the man towards a table and sat down. "Natsuo this place is so nice, how do you know this cafe?" I asked him. The cafe wasn't small net neither was it big. Yet is looked expensive. But I didn't mind. I was willing to pay every penny. "I just stroll around town sometimes, I know a lot of good places because of that." He answered my question. After a while we took out orders and waited for them to arrive. I think it was a good moment to talk about his dad. "Hey Natsuo, how is your dad like, you know like being a dad? I only know him from being my boss." I asked him. His head shot up. Looking at me with wide eyes. "W-what?" He said. I wasn't sure if he didn't hear me so I repeated "well, what is yo-" but I was cut off. "No, no I heard you. I was just shocked by your question." He said with his head hanging low, he seemed a bit sad. "H-how come?" I asked him wondering why he didn't expect a question like that at al. "It's just that I don't like talking about him. He isn't a great dad at all. He may be a good boss but he only wants to surpass All Might. Or well he wanted his kids to." He said. I was taken aback from what he just told me. "I-I didn't know Natsuo, I'm sorry" I said with a sad tone to it. "Please don't worry about it. I didn't tell you so you couldn't know. But I told you now." He said and giving me a smile. Right after that someone came to bring us our food.

After we finished eating Natsuo stood up and walked towards the man we first talked to.
I wasn't sure why but I guess it's none of my business.

After a while he came back "I took care for the food, come on let's go" he said to me. "Wait you paid? Again?? No that's not fair, I should of paid" I said with a sad tone to it. "Well to late" he said with a wink. I gave him a smile "well thank you, but I'll pay next time" I said. "Hmm" he hummed.
We started to walk towards no where in particular. We just walked around the town a bit and talking about nothing special. We just had a good time.

After a while I decided I should get home. Natsuo insisted to walk me home. It was very sweet of him. Yet I could do it myself. But I did like being with someone else. We arrived at my apartment and I let Natsuo in. I turned around to close the door and when I turned back around I saw Natsuo standing pretty close to me. But then he made an extra small step towards me. He was a bit in my personal space but I didn't say anything. I froze. It wasn't that I was scared or anything I just didn't know how to react. His arm slowly wrapped around my waist to pull my body closer to his. I was aware of every move he made, yet I wasn't able to move my body. I slightly opens my mouth to try to say anything "I-I~..."was all I could say. I looked up to his eyes to see them look at me in a weird way. Was it the look of love? Or lust? Or maybe both. I wasn't sure.  His face got closer to mine and he slowly closed his eyes. Was he about to kiss me? I didn't want that. He was my just friend. Or is it because I like someone else? I'm not sure.
"W-wait" I said quit. Lucky he heard me. He stoped not even a cm before he kissed my lips. He looked at me with a questionable look.
"U-uhm~" I said. I looked down at my shoes. Not knowing what to say or do. His hand grabbed my chin gently to make me look up at him. "What's wrong hmm~?" He asked me with a soft, sweet tone. I wasn't sure what feel right now. The way he talked was attractive, but I didn't really like him did I? I'm so confused. I decided it was the best think to just say what I feel. So I opens my mouth. "I-I-I'm confused" I said. It wasn't smooth but I said what I wanted. 

He looked at me with a confused look on his face. "What do you mean?" He asked me. "I I'm not sure what to feel or how I feel about you at all" I said looking back at the ground. "That's all right. I don't want to rush anything. Take your time" he said. He kissed me in my cheek and let go of my body. "I will see you later Y/N, sleep well" he said. "Y-you too, good night" I said before he opens the door. He gave me a sweet wave and closed the door.

I was all alone now. I wanted to talk to someone so badly but I don't really have a friends besides Keigo and Natsuo. But I decided to call Keigo and hope he would talk some sense to me and tell me what to do. Maybe he knows!!

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