Part 33

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"Oh your dead"


that basterd turns around, visible shook on his face. He looks inside the room and then back at me. "Just like she is" he said with a smirk. I feel my blood boil and adrenaline pumps trough my veins. He can't be for real. He's lying. He must be lying! My y/n is not dead!

"You basterd!" I shouted and launched forward with my feather blade in hand. Swinging it several times at him. He dodged them, but without ease. I swinger one more time and e tried to dodge it but I gave him a cut on his cheek. Blood slowly dripping from his face. He puls his hand towards his cheek to feel what I did and sees the blood on his fingers. "Motherfucker!" He says and swings forward trying to punch me. I jump aside quickly, dodging his punches with ease. He's no match for me, but I'll be carful.

I sent feathers flying towards him and pin him against the wall behind him. But he swings his hand forward and a view spikes of ice fly towards me. I try to move but a view spikes him my jacket, but not my skin. He starts to freeze my feathers that keep him pinned to the wall. My feathers can't be used, now I lose the ability to control them. 

For fuck sakes

I get another feather blade in my other hand, I won't have him freeze my feathers. I need to finish this quickly. Y/n must be still alive and she needs my help.

I launch forward again and slash his arm. And within a second I do the same to his leg and chest. He falls to his knees bleeding and screaming it out in pain. I pin him down again with feathers.

"You bitch" I say and spit on him before hurting inside the room. And there she is. My y/n laying in the ground in some sort of cage coverd in blood and a visibly broken leg. That must of happened when I heard her scream.

I look around quickly for some sorts of keys and runs back to Natsuo to find the keys in his pocket. I open the cage and get y/n out. "Baby, baby, it's alright. I'm here now" I say while holding her close to me. I get my phone out and call an ambulance and the hero commission and the police to get here as quickly as possible. Luckily the hero commission had a feeling I'd what was going on and already sent police and an ambulance this way.

She still has a heartbeat but the breathing is slow and shallow. "You won't leave me y/n! You hear me!" I say to her. I can't live without her! I just can't.

After a moment I hear police men and and some hero's come into the house. I stand up quickly with y/n still in my arms. "Take her! Please someone help her" I say. They lead my outside and into an ambulance. Before I get into the ambulance with her I see 2 police men taking Natsuo out the the house to another ambulance. I glance over at him, he's unconscious, probably because the blood lose.

I jump into the ambulance with y/n and take off to an hospital.

After we arrive they get her into an operation room. "Sir you can't come with us" a nurse says. "B-but I need to know is she's gonna be alright. I-you have to let me trough!" I say to her. "I'm sorry but we can't, you have to wait" she says and leaves me in the hallway.


It has been about 1 hours and they still can't tell me anything about her condition. They say they can't tell me because I'm not her family. They've contacted her parents though and they arrived about 20 minutes ago and are talking to a doctor.

When they heard there daughter got taken they went to Tokio from America. I haven't seen them yet but I hope they can tell me more about her condition.

After about 10 minutes they go to the waiting area where I sit and I stand up quickly looking at the both of them wondering what y/n's condition is. "M-my name is Keigo, y/n is my girlfriend, I-I'm so sorry about what happened I should've been there sooner. It's my fault an-" but before I could go on her mother hugged me. "It's alright dear, you did all you could. They docter said that she was lucky you got there in time. Or else she'd be dead, you saved her life, Keigo. Thank you" she said and hugged me again, this time her father joint in too. "We haven't forgotten about you, Keigo. When we were in America, y/n missed you a lot. It's lovely to know you've found each other again" her father said.

Het mother told me I could go into her room to see her and that she'd give us some alone time. And of course I waste no time and walk straight toward her room.

Just before I open the door I take a deep breath in and out to calm myself down. Be strong for her is all I keep thinking. I opens the door carefully and see her laying in the hospital bed attached to some tubes and machines. My eyes start to water but I quickly wipe them dry. Be strong for her. I walk towards her and sit on the chair to her side. I look for her hand and hold it, "be strong for her" but I can't. The tears stream down my face and I'm sobbing and trying to dry my face every 2 seconds.

She looks so fragile, so broken. And it's all my fault, I should've bin there sooner. Then maybe she wouldn't be so badly beaten up.

It's my fault

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