Part 14

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After I was done i got out of the bathtub and dried myself off. I got myself some clothes and put them on. It was just a tank top and shorts. It was study to be comfortable.

I got out of the bathroom and walked towards the couch. While putting the tv on I say down. I zapped trough the channels til I saw the news. "The pro hero hawks of fighting with a man. The man seems to be endeavor's Son! What is happening?" Was what the news reporter said. I stood up in an instant and grabbed my jacket and put my shoes on. I saw on the tv where they were. I was now running towards the place with my pajamas on and just a jacket to cover me up.

I saw flashing lights from the police cars so I knew I was close. After a while I also saw Keigo and Natsuo fighting. I zapped the lights from the police cars to get a light strike in between them. "Stop this!" I said while striking the light. The both flew to the side opposite of each other. But they both got up again. Looking extremely furious at each other. "This is all your fault! She is mine! Don't you dare touch her again I will murder you!" Natsuo called out. Spitting his words. I was thrown off guard by his words. Was he talking about me?
"She's from no one! Stay away from her!" Keigo said. Also spitting out his words. I wasn't sure what to think. Who was starting this all?
After the police captured both Keigo and Natsuo they where sent to the police station. After they got into the car an police man come towards me. "Y/N right?" He asked. "Uh yes" I simply answered. "Ah good, well Y/N it seems like they were fighting about you. Are you able to come with us to the police station. Just so we can know the story better?" He asked me. "Yea of cours sir" I answered him.  He let me in to a police car and we drove off the the station.

After we arrived we got out and walked into the police station. They first let me see Natsuo. I walked in the room and his eyes shot up. He had this weird expression in his face. It was a bit creepy to be honest. But maybe he was just a bit bruised up. "Y/N! Sugar your here for me! Come here." He said with a creepy smile. He walked/jogged towards me I stepped a stap back looking at the officers. They saw immediately they I wasn't comfortable and stopped Natsuo from getting any closer. "What is this? What are you doing! I just wan to hug her." He said. They didn't say anything they just held him like they did before. "Please sit down. We will have a talk" the officer said. 
Natsuo sat down and I got out off the room in the room next to it so I could still listen the conversation. "So Natsuo, what happened?" He simply asked. "He is controlling her. I'm not sure how but he is. He must be hurting y/n or black mail her. Y/N and I were getting closer and closer and the he came. He stole her from me. He controlled her to not seeing me." He said. What is he even saying? Keigo is not controlling me? What he he talking about!
"Ah I see. So why did the fight happened"
The officer asked Natsuo. " I just left Y/N's house and she said she liked the asshole, but I could see she was lying! She doesn't like him one bit! So I left. And when I saw him I punched him for controlling her. He needs to stop this. And then we got into a fight." He ended. "Hmm, alright. You can go" the officer said. Natsuo stood up and got out. He didn't see me. I was in a different room after all. I guess Natsuo left the building.

"Please followed me ma'am" an officer called to me and I followed him towards I guessed Keigo's room. The door opens and also Keigo's eyes shot open. "Y/N! Are you okay? Are you hurt or anything?" He said with a worried expression and walking towards me. Much nicer the Natsuo's. "I'm fine don't worry, how are you?" I asked him back while giving him a hug. "Thank god you're okay. I'm also fine" he said while giving my back a view strokes. "Alright let's have a talk Hawks" the officer said. They sat down and I walked away into a room like the other one. I could also still
Hear and see them.

"So what happened?" The officer asked him. "Alright so I was on a patrol, the last one of my day and out of no where Natsuo punched me in my face. And shouted "she's mine don't touch her you asshole she's from me" I wasn't sure who he was talking about, but I assumed it was Y/N. I knew he liked Y/N too but I guess he can't take his lose. Anyways, he tried kick me but I wasn't going to let him so I fought back. That's everything sir" he said. I must say that was much more believable then what Natsuo said. "Alright thank you" the officer said and also sighed that Keigo can go. He stood up and left the room. After a moment a officer come for me and got me out to escort me out. I saw Keigo and ran up to him. "You okay? About this all?" I asked him. "I'm just glad you're okay birdy" he said while stopping in his tracked and pulling me into a hug.
I hugged him back and laid my face in his neck. We just stood there for a good 4 minute.
"I want you to sleep at my place. I don't want you alone because of this." He said. I just nodded and he took my hand to lead me the way. After about 5 minutes I felt my phone go off. I picked up my phone. "Hello with Y/N" I said. "Y/N hi with Enji. I saw what happened. I'm sorry about Natsuo. Please take tomorrow free. We will talk about this all later okay?" He said. "Uh are you sure? I don't mind working tomorrow." I said back to him. "Yeah I'm sure. I will see you the day after tomorrow. And I will have a talk with Natsuo. Goodnight" he said. "Alright Enji. Goodnight." I said back before hanging up.

"Sound like I'm free tomorrow." I said. "I guess I'm free too tomorrow" he said. "I wanna spent some time with you" he added. "We will watch a Barbie marathon, just so you know" I said back.

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