Part 38

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After a while of cuddling he slowly gets up. Come on, let's get ourselves cleaned up. I'm a bit sleepy but I follow him towards the bathroom. He sets the shower on and gets under it with me. It's a big enough shower anyways. "Are you okay?" He asks me and I look up to him. " yeah, I'm great. Just a little tired." I respond. We quickly shower and then we go to the living room to watch a movie with some popcorn Keigo had. The movie is the Notebook, one of my favorites, along side of Alice in wonderland.

We're cuddled up on the couch watching the notebook. I'm not really watching anymore but just cuddling. I just had sex with my childhood bestfriend and now the love of my life. I'm in cloud 9. I just keep having this feeling of my chest of warmth when I'm cuddling him like this. I can't get enough of him.

After a while we're both not watching the movie anymore. Keigo's wings are like a cocoon around us and we're just hugging and kissing. Later in we both fall asleep on the couch.


It's been a week, and Keigo being a hero goos on. But im having this week off. Just recovering at Keigo's house while my stuff is being moved from my house by a company. I think I could do it myself but Keigo said no. So I'll just be doing nothing al week long! Then the doorbell rings and I look trough the little hole in the door to see who it is. I got a little scared who might by on the other side of the door. But to my surprise it's Enji Todoroki. I open the door. "Hey" I say softly. "Hey y/n, may I come in?" He asks. I nod and open the door wider. He walks in and I close the door behind him and walk towards the kitchen. "You want anything to drink?" I ask. "Sure, tea is fine" he nods. I make tea for him and myself and bring it to the couch where he is already sitting and hand him his cup and sit next to him. Before I could say anything he says "I want to apologize for Natsuo, I didn't know him like this and I didn't see it coming. I'd get it if you don't wanna work for my agency anymore, it's up to you". It shocked me to hear Natsuo's name again. "Enji, I love working for your agency. You are not natsuo and you shouldn't apologize at all. You did nothing wrong" I say in return. He gives me a smile smile. "Great, you are a great hero Y/N, if you're ready to word again, let me know." He said. "Will do" I replied. We chatted a little more but he left after. The police would be coming today too to hear my side of what had happened. Ofcourse they knew some parts already but the wanted a complete statement.

Ones they arrive I offer them tea or coffee and we sat down at the dinner table. The 2 males in frond of me with a pen and paper. I started to tell them everything that had happened. About how I was in his car and he wanted me to touch him and about him breaking my leg, of the time I saw the girl outside and I even told them about how I met him. It was an emotional roller coaster. It was horrible. I was crying and sobbing sometimes. Trying to keep myself calm as the write it all down. They also ask a view questions along me explaining and I answer them as best as I can.

After a while they heard enough and they leave. They also told me that if I wanted to I could see Natsuo, but at the moment I didn't want that at all. I told them that and they left. Leaving me alone in Keigo's appartement , well our appartement. I turn on the tv for some background noice so I don't feel so alone. And I start doing the laundry and the dishes.


Being Home all the time is boring. I don't have anything to do, and being alone has my mind wandering to Natsuo. I hate it, I hate him. My mind is fucked up. But if Keigo's here my mind is at ease. Like I'm not broken at all. But when he's not here... my mind is playing tricks on me. Always thinking about Natsuo and how I should've seen it coming and that's it's my own fault. Everyone keeps telling me it's not my fault but it's hard to believe them sometimes.

My mind wonders to Natsuo again. How the cops told me I could visit him. At first I didn't want to but now...yet I didn't know what to say to him. Or if I wanted to say anything at all. I feel so discussed by him. How he forced me to touch him and how he touched me. But I was just happy to be out there and alive. How Keigo saved me just in time.

I decided it's time to get Natsuo off my mind and dressed myself and put my shoes and jacket on. I took the elevator down since Keigo can't fly me down now and my the docter said to not use my own quirk for around 2 weeks. I walk out the building and walk towards the park Keigo and I met when we were younger. It was nice to do something and not sit in the appartement all day doing nothing or watching tv.

Ones arrived at the park I saw that there was a large fence around with a couple deer inside, the ones that look like Bambi. They looked adorable. I made my way over but they didn't seem to mind. There was another woman a little further away giving them bread. They all went to her of course. You slowly walked over to her and stood beside her. "I should have brought some bread too" you said to the woman around your age. "Yeah, they love it, it's the only way to come near me" she replied with a smile and handed me a piece of bread. "Here, so you can pet them too" she said. I took the bread and handed it over to the deer and your other hand could let them now. They were very soft but ones the bread was up they left you again. The girl next to you started laughing "see! They only care about food"
"I guess you're right, I'm Y/N by the way" you said to her. She gave you a smile. "I'm  Emy, nice to meet you" she said. You two talked for a bit until you decided to get back home again. I needed to go grocery shopping too. I waved bye at Emy and walked to the grocer shop on my way to My apartment. I didn't know what to eat yet but hoped some inspirational came when I looked around the shop, at it did. Taco's it is! I quickly grabbed the supplies and some other things I wanted like M&M's, chips and something to drink and went to check out. Then i walked out and came past a crafts shop. Maybe i could find something to do while i needed to rest at home. I entert and looked around for a bit not sure what to get until a nice lady approached me. "Hello, can I help you with something?" She asked. I nodded "yes actually, I'm trying to find something to do while I'm off work. But I don't know what." I told her a little embarrassed. "Oh how wonderful, we have a lot of supplies here, you can paint? Make clothes or pillows, we also have paint for on clothes or pillows. Or wood? You can make anything from that" she told me. You looked around a little "paint will do." I told her and she and I took the supplies and checked out. The bags were a little heavy but I managed. When I arrived home I quickly put away the food and took out the paints. When I was still living with my parents in America I painted a lot. And I was quit good if I say so myself. It all went automatically actually. I painted and painted until I heard the door open and close.

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