Part 35

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My whole body feels weird. And I have a huge headache. I try to open my eyes but it seems like they are glued together of something. I can't open them. After a while I try again and then finally open. It's nighttime. The whole room is dark but I can see just a little because of the moon light shining in. I look around the room slowly, damn this headache is killing me.

I look a little more down, to my waist and see Keigo laying face down on the bed. Or well he is sitting in a chair and his head is on the bed. I don't know what happens to me actually anymore. I remember going with Natsuo and-
It all comes back to me. He kept me hostage in that stupid houd of his! And he- he broke my fucking leg with a hammer! I touch Keigo to wake him up but he doesn't realize it's me. "Yeah yeah I'll get to work soon" he mumbles. "K-kei" I try to say but my voice is so dry I can't get anything out, so I push him harder. He jumps up out of nowhere and looks around the room quickly looking for someone or something. Then he looks and me and his eyes widen. "Babe.." he mumbles more to himself. "Y/N!" And then he jumps on the bed to hug me. "Are you alright? Do you need anything? I'll get some water and a nurse" and he runs away. Within a minute he is back with some water and brings the water to my mouth to let me drink it. Finely, I feel a little beter. Then a nurse comes in "ah miss L/N you are finally awake. How are you feeling?" She asks me. "I-I'm fine, just a huge headache" I try to tell her but my voice is a little fucked up. She nods and asks Keigo to leave the room to do some tests on me. He looks at me sad but gives me a reassuring smile and leaves the room, but I can hear hing walking in circles outside the door.

The nurse asks me some questions and does a view tests on me to make sure I'm alright and tells me I need to stay in the hospital for at least 1 day. "How long was I unconscious actually?" I ask her. "For around 1 weeks, I also need you to be careful with your leg, it's already healed by  our nurse with a healing quirk, but it's still a little weak" I just nod and she leaves. Keigo comes in right after "I already called you're parents, they are on there way." He says while holding my hand.

I feel myself get emotional, "I thought he would keep me there forever, and that nobody was going to find me. I still don't know what happens after I blacked out" I say while tears are gathering in my eyes. "Sshhh it's alright baby, I knew something was going on. The police and the heroes couldn't do much, and endeavor though Natsuo couldn't do such thing. But I've got you, I'm sorry for getting there too late" he says and I hear hing voice break. I look at him and he's looking down at our hands holding. I grab his chin so he looks at me and I kiss him.

He kisses me back in an instant and his hands go around my waist and my hands go to his neck and in his hair. We're kissing like it's our last and there is only us in the whole world. When we separate he says " I love you so, so much y/n. I was so scared I was too late. I thought I'd lose you." "I'm here, because of you. I love you too Keigo, when is was there I thought I'd never see you again and that he was going to touch me like nobody ever touched me and I-" but I can't continue. He knows what I mean anyway. That Natsuo was going to rape me. He was going to take my virginity if he had the chance. And I'm sick to my stomach that someone can be so sick in his mind. I lay my head against Keigo's chest and cry. And he just holds me. "You're safe now sweetheart,'re safe"

After a while I'm not crying anymore and Keigo and I are both laying in the hospital bed cuddling. His wings around us like a cage of safety. Just until we hear the door open. He lets his wings fall and my parents are in the door opening. With tears in there eyes and run softly towards me and give me a big hug. "Oh honey" my mom says and my dad just hugs me. After a while they sit all around my bed and I tell them I'm fine now and that I can get out of the hospital in a day but that my leg is still a bit weak. After a while 2 police officers knock on the door and come in to ask me questions about what had happened. And I tell them everything. My parents and Keigo also listening to what had happened. Keigo and my father look furious and my mother had tears streaming down her cheeks. I also them them about the girl a saw outside ones and they tell me that she was found dead the same day I got rescued by keigo. Natsuo is probably the killer said the police. They think it even more now that I mentioned her. They think she got murdered because the was going to report seeing me but Natsuo saw her first.

It's horrible what had happened to that girl. And I feel like it's my fault that she's dead. The police and Keigo say it's not at all. That she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

After the police left my parents and Keigo stayed till I fell back asleep again. And when I woke up Keigo was next to me in the hospital bed. A red wing wrapped around us as a safety cage. I start to stroke the feathers just appreciating there beauty. "You are giving me a boner you know that? You know they are sensitive!" He says. "Sorry! They are just very pretty" I smile back and keep on stroking them. Keigo groans and gets up from the bed. "I'll get you discharged, you just wait until we're back home" he says with a grin. I look at him surprised. "I didn't mean it like that!!" I shout back at him while he leaves the room.

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