Part 34

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Hi guys! I'm sorry that I was away for so long! I was very busy with school and family business! But I'm back on track now and I hope you guys are happy about that too! So enjoy this chapter! (It's a little short one though) ❤️

Keigo POV
I feel myself being shaken around softly and I open my eyes to see the hospital bed y/n is laying in and her mother to my side. "Hey darling, you should eat something, I've brought some soup if you'd like" she asked me with a smile. "Oh  uhm yes thank you miss L/N" I smile back at her like I hadn't woke up just a second ago. She smiled softly at me and got a chair to sit next to me. "You love her huh?" She asked me. I smiled and looked down at my feet. "Yes, I really do. I- I just felt so helpless, if I was only a day sooner she wouldn't be like this. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry miss L/N"  I told her as the tears were forming in my eyes. I heard her  let out a quiet sigh. "You know, when Y/N told us about her wanting to be a hero, her father and I were terrified. We thought she might get hurt and things like this could happen. But she is good at what she does and some things can't be helped. Just know this wasn't your fault. It was that boys fault who kidnapped her" she told me. "Being a hero isn't always fun.." I whispered more to myself. "Yes we know that. Y/N just wanted it so badly. Because of you actually. She told us when we moved to America that there was a boy back here who wanted to be a hero. And she wanted that too because of him." Her mother told me with a smile on her face. "Please be good to her" she added.

"I will, I'll be good to her forever. I promise" i said while smiling at Y/N. After a moment of comfortabel silence the door opened. Her father came in with the soup her mother told me about.


It's been 2 days and she still hadn't woken up. And it was frustrating me. I've bin going to her as much as I could. Or I'd go to the gym and train. I needed distraction, and as much as I wanted to beat Natsuo the fuck up, I couldn't. Even Endeavors visited Y/N at the hospital and apologized to her parents. He also told them to call him when she'd woke up. And he came to me to apologize and say I was right. Natsuo wasn't convicted yet. The police wanted to wait till Y/N woke up. But Natsuo was behind bars for the time being. The police pretty much knew what happend, and I was there to save her, or well I was just there. I still got the feeling it's my fault even though her mother says it's not. We'll have to wait till she wakes up. And when she does, I'll tell her how much exactly I love her and that I can't imagine a life without her. I just hope she feels the exact same way. I even thought about getting her a ring but that may be too soon. So I'll stick with the boyfriend titel for now.


It's bit about 6 hours and it was almost midnight, I wanted to stay awake as much as possible and be there when she wakes up. But not sleeping or only a view hours a day doesn't really help. So I got up and went looking for the coffee machine. After a minute or two a found it, so I got myself some coffee. "Having a rough night huh hero?" I heard someone behind me say. I turned around and I saw an old man in his hospital gown. "Yes, actually. What about you?" I asked back. "No, not so much. I couldn't sleep, that's all" he said and pressed a button in the coffee machine for himself after I got my cup. "Is it someone you love?" He asked out of nowhere. "Love is is not even close to what I feel for her, I just can't live with out her. She is my everything, my heart, soul and my happiness." I said back. "Sounds like a future wife" he said and gave me a wink. "I hope so".
"Have a good night hero" he said and walked back to where he came from.

A nurse came running along "mister johnsen! Stop wondering the halls at midnight. It's not good for your blood pressure." And she ran by me. It made me chuckle.

I walked a bit around the hospital to stretch my legs and wings but after about 5 minutes I walked back to Y/N's room.
Back in the room I sat down on her bed besides her. "I love you, so so much. I cannot be without you Y/N, please wake up." I said with tears streamed down my face. "I need you, please" I started sobbing quietly.

After a while I fell asleep in the chair with my head resting on the bed and my hands under my head for support.


my whole body feels weird.

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