Part 21

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I woke up from my alarm that I set yesterday night. I still had to go to hero work. But I couldn't get to my phone. Two arms were rapped around me. Natsuo was literally cuddling me. My face went red "oh-I'm sorry sweetheart" Natsuo said while letting go of me. But he didn't sound he was sorry and what was with the nickname? I brushed it off and just told him it was okay. I grabbed my phone and stopped my alarm and got up. "You can use the shower if you want" Natsuo said. "Oh yeah that sounds good" I said back. I got my stuff and Natsuo leaded me to the shower. I thanked him and started to undress myself. I turned the water on and quickly washed my hair and my body with the products that lay there. I was guessing it were fuyumi's.

Ones I got out of the showe I dried myself off and put my hero costume on. I put the towel I used in the bin and walked back towards Natsuo's room. I got back into his room. And he stood there, without a shirt on. I quickly turned around "I'm so sorry I shouldn't of just came in." I said embarrassed. "It's okay Y/N, I have a shirt on now" he said back. I got to say, he did look good. He had some fine abs and nice muscles. "Anyways, are you ready? I think Fuyumi made breakfast for us all." Natsuo added. "Oh yes- wait she makes it every morning for everyone?" I asked. "Yeah she does actually" he replied back. "Wow..." I mumbled.

We walked towards the living room where the food was indeed prepared. Fuyumi was only adding some tiny things so I looked perfect. "Wow Fuyumi its amazing that you do this every morning" I said to her. "Awe thank you Y/N. I try my best. I just want everyone to have breakfast before we work or school" she said back to me. I smiled and sat at the table.

After a while everyone was at the table and we began to eat. "Y/N if you want you can drive with me to work." Enji said. "Oh yeah,
Sure Enji that's great actually, thanks" I answered.

I saw the faces of the siblings go to a surprised look. I think they didn't think I would talk to the number 1 one hero like that. But I just see him as a friend or a father figure. I just gave them all a small smile. Abs so did Enji. Probably to say a 'it's okay guys'. I understand them though it's not like anyone would talk to there father like that.

After eating breakfast I got made sure I got everything I needed. "You coming Y/N?" I heard Enji say from the living room. "Coming!" I said back. I turned around to see a Natsuo who is also almost ready to leave to go to his college. "Thank you I could stay here. It means a lot". I told him, and gave him a tight hug. He didn't hesitate for a second and hugged me back, also very tight. "It's alright Y/N I just wanna see you happy" he said with a small smile on his face. It made my cheeks heat up. We both backed up from our hug "well I better be going. I'll see you later okay?" I told him. "Of course, have a nice day" he said back with a smile.

I headed towards the front door where Enji was already waiting. "I'm ready to go" I told him. "Good" he simply replied. This man wasn't someone with much words.

We drove towards the Agency with soft music in the background. I didn't pay much attention to it. I was more looking outside. It looked so calm. The landscape being blurry because we were going so fast. Or well we were on the highway so everyone was going fast.

After a while or so Enji spoke up. "Natsuo really cares about you, I've never seen him like that" he said out of nowhere. "Really? What is he normally like?" I asked curious. "He's...quite actually. Or well he is to me. But he doesn't have that much friends or not that I know of. He normally comes back right after school and he doesn't bring people home. But your actually the first person he brought home." He paused for a bit. "I just hope you guys stay friends like this. It's nice knowing Natsuo is friends with good people." He stated. I was lost for words a moment. " I'm happy I'm there. He is a good friend. And thanks for calling me 'good people'" I said back with a wink and a giggle. I wasn't sure but I thought I saw him smile for a second. "Anytime" he simply said back.

About 10 minute later we arrived at the agency. Enji parked his car near the back door and we both got inside. There were already some people there so we weren't first. It's actually quite weird that Enji or Endeavor, the number #1 hero isn't the first one to arrive at his own agency. But I guess that's nice for him. I'm just glad I also don't have to be here that early.

After a while of doing some paper word and computer stuff, it was time for a patrol.
It was actually the best time of the day. Just having some fresh air and walking around. And of course some villains, but it's bin very quiet with those. I didn't complain though.

"Come in Y/N we're going" Enji said. "Alrighty I'm coming!" I said while jogging towards him.

We walked around the streets for a while when we heard a large bang. Enji and I both sprinted towards the sound. Within moment we arrived at the place from the bang. A trem station had collapsed. That meant there must be still be people en underground! I had to save them. I saw still a way in and I went in immediately. It was very dark and I couldn't remember much. I quickly got out my lighter and took the light from it with my quirk (I think I explained how the quirk exactly works but I will explain again at the end of the page). The lighter was the best source of light I could take. It was a nonstop source. I can nonstop light the lighter again till it runes out of gasoline. An actual lamp could only be used ones.

After looking around for a minute I started shouting for people. Without luck. But I still went on.

And after 3 minutes I heard voices. "Is there someone? I'm a hero, I'm here to save you" I said. Within seconds a view people stated screaming for help again. I heard about 3 people. Probably 2 children and 1 adult. I started walking towards the voices and found them quickly. There were indeed 2 children, 2 girls around the age of 10 and a women in her 40's. "Hello kids and ma'am my name is lightning. Can you guys move ?" I asked the all Shake there heads. "Alright I will get you out. I placed my hands on the rocks they were stuck under and pushed some lightning trough it. The rockets crumbled within seconds but the tram station became more unstable then before. I needed to act quick. I also crumbled the other rocks. They were now all free. And I had everyone down here now. I quickly leaded then towards the opening. But the trem station was about to collapse. "Go guys, I'll be right behind you. Don't look back. Hurry!" I shouted and I used my body to keep the rocks up. It was getting heavier within seconds. I tried to push myself to the limit. I can't die right now! I will not accept it!

I let the lightning go out of me as much as I could. I could even feel it come out my feet. Wait was I floating? I pushed so much lightning out my feet they it keeps me off the ground! I can fly! Omg I can't die now I just discovered this.

I decided my only hope now is myself! If I let go of the rocks now and shoot my self forward with my lightning coming from my feet, maybe I can get out. I need to try this! I don't wanna die! I was already exhausted but I need to give the last boost!

I got myself in a good posting. And I let go of the rocks in 3...2...1...NOW!


So for the quirk: it's light manipulation. You are able to manipulate light. It has to be somewhere around you so you can take it from there. Like a lighter (: or a lamp. Also you are able to well fly as you discovered in this chapter. You are also able to make things like light blades and swords. (Think about lightsabers from StarWars (;  )

I hope this explains a lot. If not please ask a question over there —>
I will see it, I see everything you guys say and it's really funny sometimes.
Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the story so far.

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