Chapter 1

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~Third Person POV~

It was always Y/N's dream to go to Kaibara Municipal. It was a difficult college to get into and settling in the dorms was expensive. Still, Y/N worked so hard to get in. Though, she did get in her second year of college. That's where the misfortunes began...

~First Person POV: Y/N~

"Bye..." I said. My sister dropped me off in front of my dorm room. She was the only one who supported my dreams of coming to this college. I knocked on my dorm room door but there was no answer so I took out my room key and opened the door. I saw that one-half of the room was occupied so I took the bed that was farthest from the door.

I heard the door open and heard the voices of multiple people. I stiffen then turn around. All eyes were on me which was awkward. There was a girl with black hair in front of them all

"Uh hi," I said awkwardly.

There was still silence. There were about, what 15 people. This was getting really uncomfortable so I said, "I'll get going then...yeah.." and with that, I made my way towards the door. Everyone got out of the way as I left.

I didn't know where I would go. I heard panting from behind me and saw a girl. She was the girl with black hair. 

"Oh hey. Are you my new roommate?" She asked me. 

I nodded and said, "Yeah I am... My name is Y/N L/N and you are...?"

"Isuzu Sohma but you can call me Rin."

"Nice to meet you..."

"Do you want to go back to the dorm?" Rin asked me.

I shook my head no and said, "Uh I'll go back in a bit. That was just kind of awkward so.." Rin nodded in understatement. She waved and made her way back to our dorm room. 

I found my way to what seemed to be a cafeteria. There weren't many people there, but there were a group of girls that were looking at me. They ended up walking up to me.

"Oh look here. We have a new girl," one of them said, which I assumed was the so-called leader.

"Just to warn you," one of them said, "If you ever talk or are 5 feet within Prince Yuki's reach, you're dead, got that."

Oh, so these are the 'pick me, girls.' What's the worst that could happen if I talk back. "Sorry to burst your bubble but I don't know who this Prince Yuki is, and even if I met him, you can't control what I do or say." The girls looked shocked.

"DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I AM? I AM MOTOKO MINAGAWA AND NO ONE HAS EVER TALKED TO ME LIKE THAT!" She pushed me to the ground. Does she really scare people? Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see one of the people who was in my dorm crouched down behind me, along with everyone else standing. This guy was alongside Rin. He had white hair and a faded-out cut going down. 

"Motoko, just shut up, please. We could hear you from outside the cafeteria," the guy said.

"UGH. STAY OUT OF MY GOD DAMN WAY," Mokoko yelled and with that, she and her friends made a dramatic exit. 

"Are you ok?" He asked. I just nodded and he helped me up. 

"Y/N!" Rin yelled. She ran up to me and hugged me. "Don't ever get involved with them... They can get dangerous." I just nodded. I looked around and took a better look at everyone. "Uh guys, this is my roommate Y/N/ Y/N, these are my friends, but also cousins. Guys introduce yourselves," Rin said.

"Hi, I'm Momiji Sohma!"

"I'm Yuki Sohma."

"Kisa Sohma."

"I'm Hiro Sohma."

"My name is Kagura Sohma!"

"I'm Hatori Sohma."

"The name is Shigure Sohma, and it's a pleasure to meet you."

"My dear beloved, I am Ayame Sohma, Yuki's older brother."

"Ristu Sohma!"

"My name is Kureno Sohma, nice to meet you."

"Kyo Sohma..."

"Heyo I'm Arisa Uoutoni."

"I'm Saki Hanajima."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Tohru Honda."

Finally, the guy that helped me said, "I'm Hatsuharu Sohma..."

I smiled. It was nice to meet new people for once. "Nice to meet you guys," I said. We all walked to get lunch. It was fun laughing with them and getting to know them better. Though that Hatsuharu guy kept eyeing me from behind, I shrugged it off.

"Y/N, where are you from?" Momiji asked.

"I'm from H/T," I said. (H/T stands for hometown.)

When we all got snacks, we walked back to the dorm room. I still had so much to do. "Uh Y/N, do you want us to help you unpack your things?" Rin asked. "If you guys can, it would be really helpful," I smiled.

Though, little did Y/N know... She was about to find out a huge secret...

*A/N: Heyy Besties! So this is the first chapter of my Hatsuharu x reader story. I decided to make Rin a little nicer than she is in the anime. It would really mean a lot to me if anyone reads this story! Also, I apologies that this chapter is short and sort of rushed. Anyways, until next time!*

Undecided Fate - (Hatsuharu Sohma x Female Reader) - College AUWhere stories live. Discover now