Chapter 15

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~First Person POV: Y/N~

A couple of hours after the incident, Mei came home. She walked through the door looking tired and confused. "Y/N..." she said calmly. I looked at her. "Why are there people a couple of feet from the door? Before I unlocked the door they gave me a note and told me to give it to you..."

I looked to the floor and said, "The guy with black and white hair was the guy I told you about... The others were our friends."

She nodded and handed me the note. She found it obvious that I didn't want to talk about it. She then went into her master bathroom and started warming up the water for her shower. I looked at the note she handed me and decided to open it.

Dear Y/N,
I know you probably don't want to see any of us right now,
which we understand. Please just meet us at the cafe by the Sohma Estate
tomorrow at 12:30?? We'll try to explain everything but please be there and please
respond to our messages!

                                          From, Yuki + your other friends 

I didn't know if I wanted to go... What would there be to explain? I decided to make dinner and think about this after. I decided on making pasta puttanesca. 

By the time I was done making it, Mei had come out of the shower. We both sat at the dining table and started talking. "What did the note say?" Mei asked. I looked at her and said, "Well they want me to meet me at a cafe to explain things... But I don't know what there is to explain."

She nodded and pushed the conversation into something more cheerful.

When we finished our dinner, Mei washed the plates while I started getting ready for bed. I let Mei sleep on her bed while I slept on the couch. 

It was a long night of thoughts... 


(Trigger Warning: Abuse, bad language)

I got hit. Once, twice, three times. It was another one of those nights where dad got drunk. "YOUR WORTHLESS IN THIS FAMILY," my dad said. He hit me in the head with another beer bottle.

Mom and my sister weren't home. 

"YOU REALLY THINK WE LOVE YOU?!? YOU'RE A SL*T TO THINK SUCH A THING," he said. He hit more bottles on my head. I got more cuts, bruises, and injuries. "P-pleASE STOP," I cried. He didn't listen though.

This would always happen on nights that mom and sister weren't home. He would come home with another woman, she would leave, he would get drunk, then hurt me. It was the same fucking cycle over and over again. 


And with that, he left me with a broom and towel to clean up 'my mess.' I had cuts and bruises all over, but he didn't care... He never did...

I woke up panting and tears rolling down my cheek. I checked my phone and saw that it was 9:56. I got off the couch and went into the kitchen. There was a note on the counter like yesterday.

Had to go to work again
If you end up going to the cafe, good luck!
I'll be back before dinner


I decided on making eggs and bacon. When I was done making it I decided that I was gonna go to the cafe. I finished my breakfast, washed my plate, and decided on what to wear. I decided to wear black leggings and the hoodie I wore yesterday along with the same shoes. 

I checked the time and saw that it was already 12:15. The cafe was about a 10-minute walk from Mei's house so I decided to get going. I locked the door and headed on my way. It was a very quiet day for some reason. Everyone was greeting each other as they walked by.

When I got to the cafe, I saw that none of them were there so I ordered an iced coffee and scrolled through my phone. After ten more minutes, I heard someone's voice saying, "Didn't think you would come..."

I looked up and saw Hatsuharu and Rin standing behind him. I was confused. "Where are the others," I asked coldly. "They just sent us two..." Rin said. They both sat down in front of me and it turned out to be a very awkward silence. After 5 more minutes of silence, Rin decided to talk.

"Y/N, I know you don't really want to talk to me but you have to hear me out," she said.

I stayed silent for a few minutes until I said, "You both have five minutes..."

They had a glimpse of happiness in their eyes until they started explaining.

~Timeskip: 6 minutes~ 

I was shocked. This was all Akito's fault? They finished talking and just stared at me. I was about to forgive them both until I thought of something. I turned to Hatsuharu and asked, "You didn't know about Akito's plan right? Then why did you get in bed with Rin?"

He didn't answer me. He just looked at the table. "Did you even love me?" I asked. He quickly looked up and said, "Of course I did." 

"Then why did you get in bed if you didn't know?" I asked again.

He didn't answer me. He finally mumbled, "I was just getting into it... It turned to a moment and my body wouldn't pull away. Kind of like I was in the mood..."

Rin and I looked at him shocked. What kind of bullsh*t was that?! I got up from my seat and looked at Rin. I mumbled to her, "I'll get in contact with you later." I then looked at Haru We both held eye contact and I ran from the cafe.

I heard him calling my name. I didn't turn back. He was in the mood? The fuck was that supposed to mean...

I ran back to the apartment and jumped on the couch, crying... Was what he said supposed to make the situation better?

*A/N: Heyy Besties! or whoever is reading this... I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Can someone tell me if I'm posting too often and/or too much because I feel like I am... Was this chapter too short or too long? Idk...Until next time!*

Undecided Fate - (Hatsuharu Sohma x Female Reader) - College AUWhere stories live. Discover now