Chapter 8

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~First Person POV: Y/N~

I heard the door open. I slowly open my eyes and see the Sohmas + Tohru, Hanajima, and Uoutani. It seemed as if they didn't notice that I was awake. Hatori came up to me and was starting to replace my water bag.

I shifted around which caught everyone's attention. They all looked at me worried and happy at the same time. "It's good to see you guys again..." I said weakly. They all ran to my bedside and gave me individual hugs.

"We're so sorry you had to go through all that..." Rin said.

"There is nothing to be sorry about," I said smiling.

~Timeskip: 2 hours since I'm bored~

It has been about 2 hours and everyone had to leave. It was around 9:30 p.m. Though, Hatori allowed Hatsuharu to stay with me for a bit longer. After some silence, Haru said, "What did you mean.. by strange feeling?" he asked me.

I remembered what I messaged Haru. "Well... when all that commotion was happening with Akito, I heard something or I think it was someone. It was before I passed out."

"I heard someone calling my name but it wasn't a familiar voice. It was... in my head. Kind of sounded like my father when he would yell at me."

Hatsuharu stayed silent the whole time. I know this was a dumb thing, but I couldn't get it out of my head! It's like it's constantly playing on loop; so what the hell was I supposed to do? Sit around and do nothing?

"Y/N.. by any chance... Do you have a bad relationship with your parents?" Hatsuharu finally spoke out.

"Kind of... well they weren't fond of my choice to come to this college... also my sister would always get the attention that I didn't... why?"

"It's nothing..."

Then again, there was another silent moment. At the silence, I started to think back to the day we found out that the zodiac curse wasn't applying to me. Haru and I almost kissed that day... Did he forget about that?

At an instant, Haru stood up and started walking towards my bed. Originally, he was sitting in the corner on the floor. He had a sly smirk on his face. I started to get up a bit to see what was wrong.

He walked up to my bed and pushed me back. He hovered over me with the smirk still plastered onto his face.

Suddenly, he kissed me. It was a passionite kiss... I kissed back. I could feel him smirk through the kiss.

After 2 minutes, we both split for air. "Y/N... will you be my girlfriend?" he asked me.

I was shocked but said, "Of course I will!" Haru smirked and kissed me again, but this time it was a gentle one. "Ahm..."

We both split and looked towards the door. Hatori was standing there. I felt so embarresed. Haru chuckled and walked towards the door. He sent a wave my way and then left. "You and Hatsuharu, huh?" Hatori teased.

I blushed and looked away. Hatori came over and sat at the side of my bed. "Y/N... you know that it's dangerous right? Especially is Akito finds out. No one knows what he would do. It could turn out like what happened when Isuzu and Hatsuharu were together," he said,

"Wait, Rin and Haru were dating?" I asked confused and shocked at the same time.

Haru or Rin had never mentioned that.

"Yes they were. Some things happened and they broke up. I assume Hatsuharu told you, right?" Hatori asked.

I shook my head no.

~Timeskip: After Hatori left~

I was still shocked that the two never said anything. I decided I wouldn't say anything to them since it would probably make things awkward.

I thought about that for the rest of the night before I fell asleep.. Who knows when.

*A/N: Heyy Besties! or anyone that reads this... I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry that this chapter was kind of short, I just wanted to post it and finally, the two got together! There will soon be angst... so watch out for that :). Anyways, until next time!*

Undecided Fate - (Hatsuharu Sohma x Female Reader) - College AUWhere stories live. Discover now