Chapter 2

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~First Person POV: Y/N~

The Sohmas started helping me settle into the dorm. Hiro and Kisa put my bed sheets on, pillow sheets on, and made my bed. Kyo, Momiji, Kureno, and Hatori were trying to build my desk, although they were miserably failing and were getting mad at each other. 

Tohru, Rin, and Yuki were putting stuff on the walls. Hanajima, Kagura, and Uoutani were getting my bathroom supplies and feminine products put away. 

The most useless people were Ritsu, Shigure, and Ayame. They were just sitting around, making jokes, and were trying to 'hype us up' as they called it. Finally, Hatsuharu and I were putting my clothing and shoes away. It was kind of awkward for some reason. Overall, it was fun. I got to meet new people, get to know more about them, and have fun with them.

"Hatsuharu, can you put these in the drawer over there," I said to Hatsuharu while giving him some shirts and pointing to the drawer I was referring to. He said, "sure," and did as I said. When he came back, he started to fold my socks.

"Why did you come here on the second year of college," Hatsuharu asked. It was nice how he was trying to start a conversation. Cute... Did I just call this guy cute!? I barely even know him... 

"Um well, this has always been my dream college and when I was trying to get in on my first year, I had other family situations that were more important. The school gave me a chance this year. I also promised them I'd catch up quickly since I don't want to take the first year... So yeah,"

I was out of breath from talking that fast at that point. "That's nice," he said. I simply nodded. I looked over to him and saw that he was so concentrated on folding the socks. 

I didn't even realize I was staring for so long until he said, "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I looked up at him and saw a smirk formed on his lips. My face was heating up so I looked away. This guy is such a flirt.

I let out an awkward chuckle. "FINALLY," Uoutani said, making her way out of the bathroom. I assumed that the 3 girls were done putting my stuff away. "Y/N... Rin... have fun figuring out whose things are whose. They all got mixed up so..." Kagura said. 

I made my way to the bathroom and saw that our perfumes, makeups, deodorants, towels, etc... were mixed together. The feminine products were in a cabinet under the sink, along with cleaning products and extra toothpaste and toothbrushes. 

In the bathroom, there was only a sink and toilet. Apparently, the showers were on one side of the building. 

"SHIGURE. JUST SHUT UP," I heard someone yell, so I quickly made my way out of the bathroom. "What happened," I asked. All the attention in the room came to me. I saw Hatsuharu being held back by Hatori. "NOTHING!" Ayame said. I found that weird, but let it go.

~First Person POV: Hatsuharu~

"Rin, you're lucky to have such a beautiful young lady as a dormmate," Shigure said. 

"What's that supposed to mean, you old geezer," Rin said. Shigure gave her a 'watch it,' look, but knowing Rin, she wouldn't listen.

"First of all," Shigure started, "I am not an old geezer. I'm simply just older than you. Second of all, you don't know what can happen with her in the room." 

Everyone in the room got silent. We all knew what he was talking about... I had enough of him.

"SHIGURE. JUST SHUT UP," I yelled while lunging towards him. Sadly, Hatori held me back. Y/N quickly made her way out of the bathroom and asked, "What happened?"

There was something different I found in Y/N. I don't know what, but it was just... there...

~First Person POV: Y/N~

I went back to folding my clothing.  As I was folding some other shirts, I stepped back a bit since there was a lot of clothing on my bed. That was a bad choice. Kyo was right behind me. When I stepped back, I fell on him and... 


*A/N: Hiiii Besties, or whoever is reading this since I got no followers to call my besties... Hehe. Anyways, I left this as a cliffhanger for a reason. The reason is that I was too lazy to write what happens next and since this chapter was short... Anyways, until next time!*

Undecided Fate - (Hatsuharu Sohma x Female Reader) - College AUWhere stories live. Discover now