Chapter 7

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~First Person POV: Hatsuharu~

"I'm telling you right now Hatori, this is a mistake. Akito is going to do something to her," I said to Hatori.

"Nothing is going to happen, trust me," Hatori said.

Trust him!? He already knows this is a bad idea. I feel so bad for Y/N. Speaking of which, we see Y/N and Rin make their way over to us. I couldn't even look at Y/N for the fear that she would get hurt. We all walked over to the house.

I saw Y/N's hands shaking, and I assumed everyone else did as well... I wanted to comfort her so badly, but Shigure knocked on the door... As the door opened, the mood darkened...

"Hello. You must be Y/N, hm? Come in and let's talk."

I just wanted to punch the living shit out of Akito for even talking to Y/N. I just sensed something was going to happen. Something bad.

~First Person POV: Y/N~

I stepped inside the room and looked around. It was a plain room, nothing much. No decorations even. Not even furniture. Just.... plain. There was another door, which I assumed led to another room or a balcony.

 There was another door, which I assumed led to another room or a balcony

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(Ignore the people inside the room. This is just to show you how the room looks like)

(TW: Physical Abuse)

Not even 20 seconds later, I was kicked to the floor. I landed on my back. I look up and see Akito standing above me. She kept kicking me and yelling. "HOW COULD THIS EVEN HAPPEN?! IT CAN'T BE POSSIBLE."

I kept getting kicked. Both of our yells were filling the air. Yells of pain, and yells of anger. "STOP... PLEASE!" I said. I kept getting kicked.

Bruises were forming in all places. I was getting a little dizzy too. "ARE YOU TRYING SOMETHING FUNNY? HUH? WHAT WAS YOUR POINT IN HUGGING HATSUHARU? ANSWER ME DAMMIT."

I was coughing up blood. I couldn't speak. It hurt. It hurt so bad. I couldn't even scream for help. "Please... stop... this..."

I barely got the words out of my mouth. Then... at that moment, I saw something reflect off the back of Akito's hand. A kn*fe. A KN*FE?! Was he trying to kill me? As the kn*fe was being held up to my throat, blood started dripping from my throat and my stomach. I screamed so loud, which was probably the last of my voice for a while. I heard the door open. There were gasps, though, everything else was a blur.

(End of Triggering Scene)

I felt Akito being taken away from me. I felt myself being carried by someone. I heard someone yelling for me to stay awake... I couldn't make out anything else at the moment. 


The last I remember is seeing black.

~First Person POV: Hatsuharu~

We heard a scream. A scream coming from the room. Hatori quickly opened the door and we saw the worst of the worst. Akito was on top of Y/N holding a kn*fe. Y/N was bleeding from her throat, down to her stomach. Hatori and I quickly ran in there. 

He quickly got Akito out of Y/N's grasp. "Y/N. STAY AWAKE. PLEASE," I yelled. I quickly picked her up and held her in my arms. I don't know why I felt a sting in my heart the moment I saw her like that. "STAY AWAKE PLEASE...!"

"Haru..." Y/N said. After that, her eyes closed.

Akito took it too far this time... and he knows it. Hatori took Y/N out of my grasp and rushed out of the room. I took one last look at Akito and ran after Hatori, along with everyone else. 

~First Person POV: Y/N~

I woke up to the sound of beeping. I look to the left and see a monitor. I look down and see myself in a hospital gown and my arms were connected to wires. There was no one in the room beside me. I then remember. Pain.

Tears fell out of my eyes as I remembered. Just then, the door opened. In walked a nurse. "Oh, you're finally awake! I'll go get the doctor," she said. I just nodded. A couple of minutes later, the door opened and I saw Hatori walk in. "You're finally awake..." he said.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"One week."

My heart shattered. I was out for one week?! What about school and everything. 

"I already contacted your school. They said that they understood and that you can start going to classes next week," Hatori said.

This man read my mind. I suddenly remember Rin, Haru, and everyone else. "Uh, how are the other Sohmas doing. Also Tohru, Uoutani, and Hanajima," I asked. Hatori just looked at me for a second until he said,

"Well, Hatsuharu kept visiting you while you weren't awake. He kept saying it was his fault... the others are doing just fine though. When the three girls found out, Uoutani got furious and they also visited. Basically, everyone visited, but Hatsuharu did the most. They are in class right now, but I'll tell them all that you're awake after."

I found it sweet that Haru visited... It wasn't his fault though. "Y/N, I have a question." I looked up and saw Hatori looking at me. "I find it that you and Hatsuharu are close. Are you guys dating?"

My cheeks flushed, "N-no we aren't d-dating! How c-could you possibly think t-that?!" I said. We did almost kiss though... "I'm kidding with you kid. Just rest up," and with that Hatori left the room. 

I looked around the room and saw a pamphlet on the nightstand next to me. I read it. So apparently this is Sohma's General Hospital? Nice. It was good to know that I could actually trust the people working here. I checked my phone that was by my bed and saw that I had several notifications. The one that popped out the most was Haru's. 

                                  Haru <3

Haru <3: Hey... text me when you wake up, alright?                                                                                               Sent Yesterday at 4:30 a.m

   hi haru :) :Y/N

Haru <3: Y/N! You're finally awake huh?

aren't you supposed to be in class right now? :Y/N

Haru <3: Yes.... but the professor left the room so.... yeah... how are you feeling

surprisingly, I'm feeling.... well... kind of.. :Y/N

Haru <3: Kind of?

well... I just have this strange feeling. I can't describe it.. :Y/N

Haru <3: hey.. do you want to try to talk it out later?

yes actually.. I would like that :Y/N

Haru <3: the professor is back, see you later Y/N...

see you later :Y/N

I was happy... Haru made me happy... Even if it was just texting him... it still made me happy. I don't know when, but after some time, I fell asleep...

*A/N: Heyy Besties! or anyone who reads this... I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Remember, I am not trying to send hate to Akito. Anyways, until next time!*

Undecided Fate - (Hatsuharu Sohma x Female Reader) - College AUWhere stories live. Discover now