Chapter 16

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Before I start the chapter, I just wanted to say thank you for 400+ reads!!!
I really appreciate that and I want to that every person who is reading this story and following up on it!


I woke up when I heard someone open the door. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Mei standing there with someone behind her. That, someone, was Rin! They hadn't realized I was awake because Mei led Rin into the kitchen so they could talk.

I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water and they noticed me. "Finally awake Y/N?" Mei asked. I hummed in reply.

Mei went to take a shower while Rin and I started on dinner. "Y/N?" Rin asked. "Yeah?" I said. She stayed silent for a couple of minutes before saying, "Do you want to come back to the dorm? I understand if you wouldn't want to but-"

I interrupted her and said, "I would love to..." She smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back. We split and after a couple of minutes, Mei got out of the shower. She dressed and came to the kitchen. We had dinner ready by the time she got out.

"So... how was today?" Mei asked. I looked at Rin, suggesting that she speaks. "Well..." Rin started, "Things didn't go as planned. She and I worked things out but with Haru, things didn't go right."

"Is Haru his name?" Mei asked. Rin nodded and said, "His name is Hatsuharu but we call him Haru."

Mei just nodded.

Dinner was quiet after that. Only the sound of our utensils hitting the plates. When we were done eating, we cleaned up and sat on the couch to watch T.V. "Do you want to go back to the dorm today or stay here?" Rin asked. 

"I'll just go back to the dorm... As long as I don't run into Haru then I'll be fine. Though, we should get going. It's getting late," I said. Rin nodded and stood. I also stood and went to get my phone, charger, and the dress/heels from Friday since those were the only things I had. I put them all in a small bag but kept my phone with me.

"You ready?" Rin asked as I made my way out of Mei's room. I nodded. I then went up to Mei, hugged her, and said, "Thank you for letting me stay." 

She hugged back and said, "My door will always be open for you."

I smiled as we parted from the hug. Rin and I made our way out of the apartment and started walking towards the dorm buildings which was about a 20-minute walk. It was a quiet walk. Just the night air filling our presence.

We got back to the dorms safely. "You know..." Rin said as we made our way to the dorm, "The others are really worried about you."

I shrugged and we made it to our dorm room. It was 10:39 by the time we got there. Rin unlocked the door and went inside. When I got inside I saw everyone except Haru. Tohru ran up to me and hugged me. Hiro and Kisa came after that.

(I forgot to say, but Hiro and Kisa were the only Sohma's, besides Akito, to go to the party. They are still underaged and since there was alcohol... uh yeah but they're in high school)

"What are you guys doing here so late?" I asked.

"Well, we found out that you were coming back so we wanted to see you," Hiro said. I smiled. It was nice knowing that they cared.

"Uh, wheres Hatsuharu?" I asked quietly. No one spoke.

After some time, the others left leaving Rin and I together. It was almost 12:00 a.m.

"Oh hey, I gotta go do something so I won't be back until later, ok?" Rin said. 

I nodded and walked her through the door. "Stay safe..." I said. When Rin left, I did my nightly routine and went to bed. 20 minutes after I got in bed, I couldn't sleep. I just had so much on my mind. I picked up my phone and saw that I had a message from a random number.


(xxx)-xxx-xxxx: you won for now.... 

What? What was that supposed to mean? I shrugged it off and put my phone down. Just as I was getting comfortable, there was a knock at the door. Who would be here at this time? I walked towards the door and opened it. 

I was shocked to see who was standing there. Though I didn't have time to react. I fell to the floor and was knocked unconscious. The last thing I saw was someone smiling...

*A/N: Heyy Besties! or anyone who is reading this

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*A/N: Heyy Besties! or anyone who is reading this... I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please know that I am not trying to spread hate towards ANY of the characters. Keyword: ANY... Anyways, I feel like this chapter is too short and rushed... eh. Until next time!*

Undecided Fate - (Hatsuharu Sohma x Female Reader) - College AUWhere stories live. Discover now