Chapter 5

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~First Person POV: Y/N~

"Well I've had three, but as I said, they didn't end well. My first one was in my first year of high school. There was this guy who would always stare at me during Science. It made me really uncomfortable but I let it pass. This one time we were partnered up and he asked me out. I said yes cause I thought I could give him a chance, but it ended up that he was a player." 

Momiji raised his hand as if he were in class. "Yes, Momiji?" I said.

"Why did you decide to give him a chance?" he asked. "Well..." I said, "he was pretty attractive but he was also the sweetest person. I made the mistake of falling for him though. Anyways I said he was a player, right? Well, he cheated on me with my best friend at the time, and cheated on my best friend with the popular girl." 

"Damn...." Hatsuharu said. He was still playing with my rings. "Yeah..." I said.

"Anyways onto my second relationship. My friends in my third year of high school set me up with this guy. Again, he was nice and all. He promised to stay by my side and all that sappy stuff. We got together, blah blah blah. There was this party my friends invited us to. When we went, the guy got drunk. I went to the kitchen to get him some water, but when I got back, he had a girl on his lap. She had the same hair color as me so his excuse was that he thought it was me."

"Did you break up with him after that?" Kureno asked.

I shook my head no and said, "Well, me being my dumb self took that excuse and we didn't break up. However, my friends invited us to another party a few weeks later. Again, the guy got drunk, I was in the bathroom when the bad stuff happened. I got out of the bathroom to see him doing the same thing. She didn't even have the same hair color as me, which he was using that excuse again."

"I broke up with him in front of everyone and he said I was ruining his reputation. He still has my number even though I keep blocking him to this day. He keeps saying everything was a mistake and he is so sorry. I just don't reply."

"Can I see the messages?" Hatsuharu asked.

I nodded and grabbed the phone that was next to me. I pull up his contact and opened the messages. I handed my phone to Hatsuharu.

                                              Cheater #2  

Him: Baby, come back to me

Him: I'll never do it again, I promise

Him: I thought you were the girl

Him: Please come back to me...

Him: I miss you so much

Him: You're so much better than the other two girls

Him: You ruined my reputation and you won't do anything about it?!

Him: Fine I don't need you anyway.

"Damn... he's nice at one point then gets so rude," Hatsuharu said, handing me my phone back.


"What about the third relationship?" Uoutani asked. I froze on that one and my hand started to shake, but only for Hatsuharu to notice. Once again, he took my hand into his and started playing with my rings.

(Mentions of r*pe, abuse, and forced relationship. ~ Skip if you aren't comfortable)

"Well... this one was really a forced relationship. This guy in my last year of high school liked me, but I didn't like him back. He was abusive, had affairs with other girls, and even threatened me. He told me if I didn't get together with him, he would harm my family. I've seen this guy do so many bad things, so I didn't want to risk my family. I got together with him..."

"That's messed up," Rin said.

I nodded and said, "That isn't even the worst part.  I ended up getting away from him and moving, I also called the cops and they put him in jail for that reason. Though I still have the marks of where I got him."

I pulled up my sleeve and showed them my arm. Everyone gasped. Hatsuharu stopped playing with my rings and gently took my arm. I saw a look on his face, but I couldn't make it out. "Uh so yeah... those were my relationships... Any questions?" Everyone shook their head no and were just silent.

(End of triggering scenes)

The silence finally broke when I said, "Uh anyone wants anything to eat or drink? I'm going to the cafeteria." Everyone told me what they wanted and Hatsuharu said, "I'll come with you." 

We walked out of the dorm and to the cafeteria. It was empty. When we got to a vending machine, he quickly pulled me into a tight hug and whispered into my ear, "I'm so sorry you had to go through all that." I was so shocked to the point I started crying into his chest. He whispered sweet nothings into my ear to calm me down, which worked. 

"Thank you Hatsuharu..." 

"You can call me Haru if you want," he said.

Haru caressed my cheek while looking into my eyes. Our faces slowly got closer to each other to the point where our noses were touching. We kept going closer until we were about to kiss. "Excuse me." We both jumped back and looked towards the voice. We saw that the janitor was there looking at us.

"No sappy moments allowed in the cafeteria. Get what you need and please get out," he said. Haru and I both looked at each other and blushed. We quickly got the food and drinks and walked back to the dorm room, not talking to each other. 

When we finally got back, Rin asked, "What took you both so long?" She had a smirk on her face. I blushed and then I realized something. When Haru hugged me, he didn't transform... What? I quickly pulled Haru into the bathroom.

"Haru... you realized something.. right?" 

The boy looked confused. I sighed and said, "You didn't transform when you hugged me."

His eyes widened. He quickly walked out of the bathroom and came back with Hatori trailing behind him.

*A/N: Heyy Besties! or anyone who reads this... Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had the urge to have Haru kiss Y/N, but I was like "nOpE..." In this book, I'm not going to have anyone curse break, don't worry. Anyways, until next time!*

Undecided Fate - (Hatsuharu Sohma x Female Reader) - College AUWhere stories live. Discover now