Chapter 3

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~First Person POV: Y/N~

A cat. On my lap, was an orange cat. The whole room went silent, so silent that you'd be able to hear a pin drop. Was I supposed to freak out? I just didn't know how to react. "How....?" I said, very slowly. There was no response. The room was dead silent. 

"I'm surprised you haven't freaked out yet..." said Hatori. 

I look up at him, confused. "Can someone explain to me what happened and how it happened, please?"

There was still no response. I look down at the cat, well Kyo, and he was looking up at me. Tohru came up to me and gently carried Kyo off my lap and took him to the bathroom. She came back after. "Well... We might as well explain it to her," said Shigure. Everyone in the room nodded, well expect me since I had no idea what happened. Rin stood from her spot and went to whisper something into Hatori's ear. 

Hatori simply nodded.

"Y/N, if we explain this to you, you have to promise not to freak out and tell other people. Do you promise?" Hatori asked. I nodded and said, "I promise..."

Hatori started talking again.

"The Sohma's are cursed with a bond between God and the thirteen members. Each of us Sohma's in the room is cursed with a Chinese zodiac animal. Every time we get in physical contact with the opposite gender who is not a zodiac member, we turn into our designated animals. Another thing that causes us to turn into animals is stress. You might think it's a cool thing, but it's not. It brings us suffering. Let's say one of us loves someone or has a significant other that is not a zodiac member. We can't hug them, which is hard at some point. Basically, anyone who finds out has to have that part of their memory erased by me... Does that cover everything? Any questions?"

Hatori was fast to talk. I look around the room and see everyone looking to the ground. "Umm, I have four questions..." I said. Everyone looked up from the floor to me. "Go for it," Hatori said. 

"My first question is, why didn't you erase my memory right away?" 

Hatori didn't answer for quite some time. Finally, he said, "Well... Rin wanted to see how you would react and if we could trust you. Since you're her dormmate, she thinks it's best for you to know. It's not as if trust you that much with this information, no offense, but she wanted to see what would happen so..." 

I nodded and asked my second question. "If you guys don't mind, could you tell me you're zodiac animals?" Hatori looked around the room as if getting consent from everyone, which he had all the right to do so. 

Finally, Yuki started talking and pointing while doing so. "Well to start off, I'm the rat. As you can see, Kyo is the cat. Rin is the horse. Hatsuharu is the cow/ox. Momiji is the rabbit. Kagura is the boar. Hiro is the sheep, while Kisa is the tiger. Ritsu is the monkey. Ayame is the snake. Shigure is the dog, Hatori is the seahorse. And last but not least, Kureno is the rooster." 

"Wait, what about Uoutani, Hanajima, and Tohru?" I asked. Again, Yuki answered, "You along, with them are the only ones that know. They are not members of the zodiac." I nodded and continued on with my questions. "Uh, my third question is, who is the god?" and with that question, the mood suddenly got dark. Was there something wrong, did they not speak of the god?

"Uh well... the gods' name is Akito. We don't speak of him though," Momiji said.

I look around. Suddenly, I felt bad for asking that... "What's your fourth question?" Ritsu asked.

"Um I'm sorry I'm asking this and it may sound weird, but when you guys transfer back to humans, do you have clothes on or not..." 

I heard Hatsuharu chuckle. I look in his direction and see that he's smirking. I felt so embarrassed at that moment. I look around and see everyone trying to hold in their laughter. 

"Well," Hatsuharu said with a smirk still plastered onto his face, "When we transform back to humans, we are naked. But our clothes are still next to us, so we can try to change quickly with no one to see us. We're you really interested in that question?" Everyone in the room burst out laughing. Hatsuharu's smirk only grew. My face flushed in embarrassment. 

"Guys, give.... the girl a...  break," Uoutani said in between laughs. 

I noticed that Hatsuharu kept his gaze on me which I found kind of attractive. Wait what? What was I thinking? I just met this guy! Shortly after the laughter died down, Kyo came out of the bathroom as if nothing happened.

"I think we should get going and you guys should go back to your dorms, well not Y/N and Rin," Shigure said.

"Wait, what do you mean by we should get going?" I asked.

"Well, Kureno, Hatori, Ayame, Ritsu, and I are older than them and we have our own jobs and all. Grown adults. Also, Hiro and Kisa aren't in college yet. They are just in 8th grade, almost 9th," he answered. I simply nodded.

As everyone was saying their goodbyes, it was quite loud. Hatsuharu slipped a piece of paper in my hand and winked. My face turned red and he just laughed.

Everyone left the room and Rin and I decided to watch movies for the rest of the time. I didn't even realize, but it was already 8:54. 

"Ok, since I want to relive the childhood I never lived, the movies we're going to watch are these," RIn said. I looked at the floor and saw different children's movie's laid out. I smiled. It brought back my childhood.

It was around 2 a.m and I saw Rin was asleep on her bed. I pulled the covers over her.

At that moment I remembered something. Hatsuharu have me a piece of paper. I saw that I placed the note on my desk. I slowly open the note and mentally read what it said. 

"Here's my number, call me anytime, darling :) 


I blushed. He was really such a flirt. I really seemed to like him. I quickly added his number to my phone and went to bed...

*A/N: Heyy Besties, or anyone who reads this... You have finished chapter 3! This one was a long one. It took me a while to find out how I would write Hatori explaining the zodiac bond/curse. Anyways, I hoped you readers liked this chapter... Until next time!*

Undecided Fate - (Hatsuharu Sohma x Female Reader) - College AUWhere stories live. Discover now