Chapter 18

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~First Person POV: Y/N~

I woke up to the sound of beeping monitors and light snores. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was the ceiling. I fixed my position to sit up, though, it barely made any noise. I looked around the room for where the sound of light snores came around.

I looked to my left which was where the door was. The first thing I saw was Rin sleeping on the couch. I smiled but also thought about why she was there.

 I looked to my right which was where the window was. I was shocked. I saw Hatsuharu staring out the window. It looked like he was thinking. I wanted to forgive him. I did forgive him. I just didn't know how to tell him. I looked back at Rin once more before keeping my attention on Hatsuharu. 

I decided to talk. "Haru?" I said. It sounded frail. 

He quickly looked over at me and was shocked. "Y/N," he said before he came and hugged me back. I hugged him back instantly and started crying. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry," I repeated. He pulled away from the hug and said, "Why are you sorry? You have nothing to be sorry about."

I looked to my lap and said, "I was so selfish and cared for my feeling but I didn't remember about your feelings. I'm so sorry... I want to get back into a relationship with you. I understand if you don't wa-" 

I was cut off by him kissing me. I kissed him back. It was a gentle yet passionate kiss. As we pulled away, he said, "Why wouldn't I want to get back in a relationship with you? You are not selfish." I looked up to him and smiled. He leaned back down to kiss me again.

When we pulled away, we heard a voice. "Ahm." 

We looked towards the couch and saw Rin awake and pointing her phone towards us. "We're you recording?" Haru asked. Rin smirked and nodded. I blushed as Haru back away laughing. Rin walked up to me and said, "I'm happy you're awake."


After some time of talking, the door opened. Hatori and the other walked in. They all smiled when they saw me awake. 

"Glad to see you awake," said Hatori, "You will be released today after you answer a few questions." The others smiled and went to get comfortable. I figured this would take a while. Rin, Momiji, and Tohru sat on the couch, Haru sat on the floor, and other chairs were brought in. Some even sat on the floor by the wall in front of me.

Hatori pulled up a chair in front of the hospital bed. "So," he started, "Do you know who did this to you?"

I didn't answer him except looked down at my lap. "Y/N, you have to answer these questions or you're not getting out of here." I sighed and mumbled, "Akito." Some of them had looks of surprise, and some didn't. I looked over at Haru and saw him clenching his hand into fists.

Hatori nodded and moved onto the next question. "Do you know when this happened?" I started replaying the scene and trying to find out when it happened. I then looked at Hatori and said, "It was around 12:30 at night. #0 minutes after Rin left."

He nodded again and moved onto the next question, "Did you get any clues beforehand that this would happen?" As I was about to speak, Haru said, "These questions are pointless besides the first one. We know who did this so that's it." He seemed to be angry. 

Hatori looked at Haru, giving him the 'we'll talk later' look, then looked back at me. "Well..." I started, "Somewhat before it happened, I got a message from a random number saying I won for this time..."

"Can you show me?" Hatori asked. I nodded and looked at Haru then at my phone. Haru got the idea and handed me my phone. I thanked him then started pulling up the message. The others seemed curious because as I started giving my phone to Hatori, they all gathered around him. Well most of them.


(xxx)-xxx-xxxx: you won for now.... 

Hatori gave me my phone back and continued with his questions. 

After what seemed to be 190308230473 years of questions, answers, and complaints, we finally finished. I was taken back to the dorm room. I was told that I would be able to go back to my classes after I recovered within a week. 

Haru took me back to the dorm while Rin and the others went to the grocery store to get some stuff. "I was so sad and worried that I thought I'd lose you forever," he said. I looked over at him but saw that he wasn't there.

I was confused until I was pushed onto the bed to lay down. I looked up and saw Haru on top of me, smirking. He kissed me the started trailing wet kisses down my neck. He left a few bite marks here and there.

I was a moaning mess just from that. "H-haru," I said as he was getting off me. He smirked and said, "You've gotta rest. I'll have you pay me back somehow and someday. I smiled. Haru sat on Rin's bed scrolling through his phone. I whined and he looked at me.

I gestured towards my bed, wanting him to sit lay down with me. He smiled and came over to me. I scooted to the wall while he came to lay down with me. Somehow, I fell asleep with my head on his chest.

I was just so happy to be back with him...

*A/N: Heyy besties! or anyone who is reading this

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*A/N: Heyy besties! or anyone who is reading this... I hope you enjoyed this chapter! So I am going to post a meme or funny picture at the end of each chapter like the one I have right above this Author's Note. Entertainment people 😌. Until next time!*

Undecided Fate - (Hatsuharu Sohma x Female Reader) - College AUWhere stories live. Discover now