Chapter 12

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~First Person POV: Y/N~

I was awoken by the sound of my phone ringing. I grab my phone and saw Uoutani was calling, so I answered the phone.

(Italics is You, Bold is Uoutani)

Uh hey

Y/N can we come over?


To get ready for Yuki's party.

Isn't it too early for that?

Bestie, it's 4:30 p.m.


What time did you sleep?

I don't know...

Anyways we're coming over, Bye!


She hung up. But the real issue is, when did I sleep last night? My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. I opened the door and saw Uoutani, Hanajima, and Tohru. They all had their dresses and makeup with them.

"hi.." I said.

Uoutani and Hanajima made their way in while Tohru gave me a proper greeting. "Heyy Y/n!" she said.

She also made her way in and we started with our makeup. Uoutani did my makeup, Tohru did hers, Hanajima did Tohru's, and I did Hanajima's. It's... complicated.

"Alright, and done!" I said. I finished Hanajima's makeup. "Thank you Y/N," she said. I smiled.

"Alright, let's get changed then we'll do our hair and leave, ok?" Tohru said. We nodded and Uoutani went to change in the bathroom first. She came out looking stunning.

One by one we all went into the bathroom and got changed. When we finished, Uoutani started with my hair. We did the same pattern as we did for the makeup. Who would do who's.

 Who would do who's

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(Your hairstyle)

When Uoutani finished my hair, Tohru started on Arisa's hair. She slightly curled her hair and added bobby pins to the sides.


"Ok, we have to take pictures before we leave," Tohru said.

We were ready to leave. Though, during this whole time, I kept one thing in mind. The thing Rin said last night.

We posed for a few photos and headed off. We ordered an Uber and made our way to the house. It was about 7:30 p.m and the house was already crowded and loud.

We paid the Uber driver and made our way to the house.

"Alright, we can all split up and meet each other here later, ok?" Uoutani said

"Sure," Hanajima said.

"Sounds good to me!" Tohru said.

"Wait I didn't eve-"

I didn't even get to finish my sentence since they all went their separate ways. Seeing how circumstances would be, I made my way to the kitchen. Or at least was trying to find my way there. After what seemed like a long time, I found the kitchen.

I went to the refrigerator to find something to drink. When I found something alc0holic, I grabbed it but someone took it out of my hand and slid their hand around my waist.

"Hey!" I said. I turned around and saw Haru standing there with a smirk on his face. He had a drink in his hand. "Oh hi! I didn't except you there," I said.

He smiled and hugged me. "I miss you so much," he said.

I looked at him confused and said, "Well you saw me yesterday, didn't you?"

He then said , "Let's go find someplace to sit."

I nodded and followed him. We made our way out of the kitchen and through the crowd. He led me to the back of the house. I saw the rest of the Sohma's there. "Hey guys," I said.

They all greeted me and we started talking. Though, I realized that Rin wasn't there.

After some time of chatting and whatnot, I said, "I'll be back. Imma go get some water." I left for the kitchen and was greeted by some boys along the way. Drunk ones to make it worse. I found the kitchen and went to grab a water bottle from the refrigerator.

I dug deep until I found one.

I made my way back to the Sohma's while being greeted by the same drunk boys again. When I got back to the spot in the back, I realized that Haru wasn't there but saw that the three girls that "abandoned" me were there.

"Do you guys know where Haru is?" I asked.

"He said he had to go to the bathroom but he hasn't come back for some time," Momiji said.

"You wanna go find him?" asked Yuki asked. I nodded and made my way around the house to find a bathroom where he could possibly be. There wasn't any downstairs so I made my way upstairs.

There were still a lot of people up there and there were certainly a lot of bedrooms. I found the bathroom and saw that he wasn't there.

I started checking the rooms. There were so many rooms that it felt like I was checking the same ones over and over again. I made my way to a room that was at the end of one of the hallways.

I opened the door and was shocked...

*A/N: Heyy Besties! or whoever is reading this... I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was kinda rushed but that's fine! I also wanted to say thank you for 300+ reads on this story! It really means so much to me! Anyways, until next time!*

Undecided Fate - (Hatsuharu Sohma x Female Reader) - College AUWhere stories live. Discover now