Chapter 20

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Before I start the chapter,  I just wanted to say that you should go follow wolfgirl490! This person's stories are really good!! Also, this chapter will kind of be based on that one beach episode, but not entirely or the same idea that much. Anyways, onto the chapter!


~Third Person POV~ (Timeskip: 1 week)

It was finally summer break! They started their break late, so it was almost the 4th of July. (I don't care if they don't celebrate it in Japan, they gonna celebrate it here). They decided to rent a house on a private beach, so there wouldn't be people there. All the zodiac members, besides Akito, were going to come. Of course, they split the payment.

They were all going to be in one house and sharing rooms. The rooms were going to be split up by the boys and the girls. One room with all the girls which included Kisa, Rin, Kagura, Hanajima, Uoutani, and Y/N. However, the boys were going to be split up with five in each room considering there were ten boys.

The first room of the boys consisted of Kyo, Haru, Hatori, Hiro, and Kureno. The second room of boys would be Yuki, Momiji, Ayame, Ritsu, and Shigure. They weren't too bad other than the fact the Shigure and Ayame were going to be in the same room.

The rooms weren't big but they weren't small either. The upstairs had four-room, three were going to be used, 3 bathrooms and the stairs had a railway which looked pretty nice. The downstairs area had a decent size kitchen, one bathroom, a dining table, the living room, and a yard that led to the beach, but not directly. 

The yard and living room were right next to each other, so you could see everything going on outside or inside depending on where you were. 

They all decided to be there for five days. The first three days they were going to be at the beach, and in town. Basically having fun. On the second to last day, they were going to set off fireworks. Then on the last day, they were going to back up and leave.

~First Person POV: Y/N~

"Who has the key?" I asked. We had planned out everything and seen pictures of the place we were staying. It was somewhat of a cottage. The whole area was owned by the Sohma's though we still had to pay. 

Hatori took out the key and opened the door. It was so nice inside! "Guys hurry up, I want to pick which futon I'm sleeping on," Uoutani said. As we entered the cottage, we all dashed to our rooms. They were a pretty decent size.

(This is what futon I'm talking about

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(This is what futon I'm talking about. All the options work but I'm mostly talking about the one I circled)

The futons were all lined up in a straight line in two rows. I chose the one farthest from the door but closest to the window. Uoutani took the one next to me and everyone went from that. When we were done settling in, we decided to go check on the boys.

They weren't in their rooms, so we assumed they were downstairs. When we got down, all the boys were sitting on the couch or floor. All of them were there and they seemed to be waiting for us. "Heyy," I said.

The boys looked at us and smiled. "When did you guys get down here?" Rin asked. "A long time ago," said Kureno. It couldn't have taken them a very short amount of time to finish unpacking. RIght?

"What do you guys wanna do?" Kagura asked. None of us planned this far ahead. "We could go to the beach or downtown. Pick one," Hatori said.

"Beach," we all said. It was settled. "Alright, go change, and let's all meet down here in 20 minutes," Hatori said. We all went back to our rooms to change. I chose to wear a black simple black swimsuit. It was somewhat like a bikini but wasn't.


Since the beach wasn't a far walk, we just walked there. Haru was holding my hand the whole time. "Are you seriously just wearing one of my shirts over your swimsuit?" He whispered into my ear. I smirked and nodded. the boys were all wearing their swim trunks and shirts. He pulled me close by my waist as we got there. 

It was evident that we were eager for me to take off the shirt. He kept tugging on it but I refused. "Y/N, are you going to get in the water with us?" Kisa asked. The girls were in the water waiting for me. I nodded and slowly started taking off the shirt.

When I had it off completely, Haru looked me up and down then smirked. "Are you going to get in the water?" He asked. He and a few other boys got in before us, so when he came out, he was wet. His hair was dripping but magically, stayed as it was.

I shook my head and giggled. "I'll force you in if I have to," he said. I still didn't move. Suddenly, We picked me up over his shoulder. "PUT ME DOWN," I yelled. I was punching his back as he laughed and walked towards the water.

"Don't you dare throw me in Haru or I swear I will kill you," I said in a serious tone. He just shrugged. Suddenly, I was thrown in the water. It was so cold! Haru was laughing and so were the other. I got out of the freezing water and pulled Haru in with me.

"And just for that, you won't get kisses," I whispered into his ear. He looked at me in a sad way. "Oh come on.. I was joking. Please," he said. I turned my back towards him and crossed my arms.

Suddenly, I felt kisses on my neck. "Haru... stop. Everyone else will see us," I said. He didn't listen. "Fine I'll give you kisses but please stop," I said. Haru pulled away and smirked. After some time in the water, we all went to sit and talk for a bit before going back in the water...

 After some time in the water, we all went to sit and talk for a bit before going back in the water

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*A/N: Heyy Besties! or whoever is reading this... I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry that it was a little boring. Anyways, I want to make it somewhat like the beach episode but not entirely, so I'll have to change a few plans... If anyone has any ideas for future chapters, tell me and I'll try to write them! Until next time!*

Undecided Fate - (Hatsuharu Sohma x Female Reader) - College AUWhere stories live. Discover now