Chapter 19

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Heyy! Before I start this chapter, I just wanted to say thank you for 550+ reads on this story!! It means a lot to me! 
Now, on with the chapter!


~First Person POV: Y/N~

It was about 9:30 by the time I woke up. It's been 3 days yet, I couldn't go to my classes so I had to ask my friends to get me the work. I was bored all day by the time Rin came back. When she came back, I was scrolling through my socials and trying to be productive. 

"hi.." I mumbled. I slightly looked up and saw the rest of the students Sohma's plus the three girls. They laughed when they saw my state. I was basically hiding under the covers. "How are you feeling?" Haru asked.

"Horrible," I mumbled but they still heard me. Everyone got comfortable. "Can we order Doordash?" I asked. I was still under the covers, though, my head was peeking out so I could see them all. "Doordash is too expensive, I'll have Hatori or Shigure get us something," Rin said. 

I nodded and went back to scrolling through my phone. 

Haru sat on the floor by my bed. He was holding my hand. Everyone else was scattered around. No one spoke. Everyone was on their phones. At that moment, my phone buzzed. I looked at who it was and it seemed to be an unknown number.

"Anyone knows who this is?" I asked. I showed them the number that was calling me. No one seemed to know who it was, so I just declined the call.

"I got some food for you guys," Shigure said as he barged into the dorm without knocking. He passed the food around and everyone got what they wanted.

"Can you knock next time?" Haru asked. Shigure smirked and shook his head no.

We ended up talking about some nonsense until we heard a knock on the door. Since I couldn't get up, Rin went to open the door. Lucky for us, the unexpected arrived. Akito. 

We all stayed silent. I could tell the others were terrified, well besides Shigure. Akito walked in and made his way towards my bed. Haru went to throw the trash away before Akito came. He wanted to come to my side but was held back by Shigure.

Haru glared at Shigure before bringing his attention back to me. As Akito got to my bed, he smirked and knelt down toward my ear. His fingers were brushing against my shoulder."Don't you think this is over? No. Soon you will be left by others, including your friends," Akito whispered in my ear.

He then stood up and left the room. 

Everyone looked at me. I was a shaking mess and I had tears in the corner of my eyes, threatening to come out. Though I stopped it. Haru came running to me and hugged me. I hugged him back and cried on his shoulder.

After some time, I calmed down. "What did Akito tell you?" Shigure asked. I looked down to my lap and said, "Akito told me that this isn't over and that I will be left by everyone including you guys." Haru looked pissed. He had his hands in a fist and his teeth were grinding together.

I put my hand over one of his fists. He relaxed a bit was still pissed. "Well don't worry, none of us are planning on leaving you ever," Tohru said. I smiled and said, "Thank you guys for always being there for me..." 

Everyone smiled. We spent the rest of the night having fun. We would be having summer break after this week so we were planning for some things. I was still debating whether I should go visit my parents and my sister.

If I did, I would have to bring Haru with me to introduce him. "Y/N, what do you plan on doing for the break?" Yuki asked me. I said, "I want to go visit my parents, but they've never really supported me so I think I'm going to stick around here." 

I looked at Haru and saw that he was staring down to the floor, thinking. Recently he'd been talking about meeting my parents. I was too scared for that. Haru looked up at me and smiled. "Maybe we could rent a house by the beach for a few days," Momiji said.

Everyone agreed to the idea. It was settled. We'd be going to the beach!

*A/N: Heyy Besties! or whoever is reading this

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*A/N: Heyy Besties! or whoever is reading this... I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was kind of rushed since I wanted to post it as soon as possible. I know that I'm not writing any scenes that are actually related to school, but it's easier if I do it that way. Until next time!*

Undecided Fate - (Hatsuharu Sohma x Female Reader) - College AUWhere stories live. Discover now