Chapter 17

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~First Person POV: Izusu (Rin)~

"Yeah, I'll see you soon, bye," I said. I had to babysit Hiro's little sister. That ended with me sleeping over since their parents didn't come home since this morning. I made my way back to the dorms but I first went into the cafeteria to get something to eat. 

As I put my money in the vending machine, I saw Haru walking towards me. 

I still felt very guilty for what I did to Y/N, but I know that I can't change the past. Haru stopped right next to me and just looked at the floor. "What do you want..." I half-whispered. There wasn't anyone in the cafeteria except us two.

My tone sounded very sad. What I had to do with him was somewhat uncomfortable. I mean he's my ex...

"Would you let me come back to the dorm with you? I want to find a way to apology's to Y/N..." he said.

I glared at him and said, "You know... the explanation you gave her wasn't one that would help her forgive you..." He looked to the floor in shame. I've never seen him like this. I gave in and said, "Fine you can come... just don't fuck things up more than you already have."

He nodded and we made our way back to my dorm. 

I was scared of Y/N's reaction, but I had to let it slide. It was 2:34 p.m, so she had to be awake. I sighed and pulled out the room key. I unlocked the door. We were both shocked... "Y/N!!" I screamed. 

She was lying there, by the door, unconscious, with some blood on her head. My screaming caught the attention of other people... Speaking of which, I turned to Haru and his face was filled with fear. 

Momiji came running when he heard me scream. "What is it Rin!" he said.

I pointed to the door, and he looked. He was just as shocked as we were. Haru fell to his knees screaming. Yelling for her to wake up. Momiji called Hatori and the other Sohma's. Kyo and Tohru were the first to get there. 

Tohru was pale from seeing Y/N like this. 

Haru snapped out of his daze and quickly picked up Y/N. "Anyone has a cloth?" Haru asked. Kyo handed him one and he snatched it out of his hand. Haru held the cloth on the place where Y/N was bleeding. 

Hatori came as fast as he could with the other Sohma's behind him. They were just as shocked as we were. "ARE WE JUST GOING TO STAND HERE?! WE HAVE TO GET HER TO THE HOSPITAL," I yelled. We rushed out of the building. Haru went with Hatori in his car. 

Everyone else just carpooled in separate cars with each other. I was with Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki. "Do you know how this happened?" Kyo asked calmly. I shook my head no and said, "No. I went out last night to babysit Hinata (Hiro's younger sister). I came back this morning with Haru and we saw her like that."

"Wait why were you with Hatsuharu?" Tohru asked. 

"Well, he said he needed to find a way to apologies to Y/N..."

The rest of the car ride was silent. We were all worried for Y/N. We finally got to the Sohma General Hospital and Kyo parked next to Hatori's car. Haru and Hatori quickly rushed inside the hospital to get Y/N a room. 

We were all forced to sit outside in the waiting room. Suddenly, Uoutani and Hanajima came bursting inside and Uoutani yelled, "WHERE IS SHE?! IS SHE OK?!" 

"Calm down," Kureno said. After Uoutani and Hanajima were caught up with everything, we all sat in silence. Haru finally came out to the rest of us. He looked stressed as he ran his hand through his hair. 

"Is she ok?" Shigure whispered. 

Haru didn't respond. "ANSWER HIM DAMMIT," I yelled. Everyone was surprised at my outburst. He still didn't answer. After about 5 minutes, I saw tears in his eyes. I wanted to comfort him... I really did, but I couldn't. I know he loves Y/N very much.

Hatori soon came out to the rest of us. We quickly stood, waiting for him to talk. "She just got out of surgery," Hatori said. We all looked through the floor. "Who could have done that?" Hanajima asked.

"Akito..." Haru said. All the attention turned to him. "Who else would do such a thing?" he added.

"I'll talk to Akito about the matter, but I think it's time for you all to go back. Only two people can stay overnight," Hatori said. "Can Haru and I stay overnight?" I asked.

Hatori was hesitant but nodded his head. He gave us her room number and we instantly ran to the room. We just wanted to see her. 

As we reached the room, Haru quietly opened the door and walked in. I trailed behind him. We looked at Y/N, both shocked. She had so many machines around her, but she looked very calm. We didn't think this much damage would happen.

"I'll sleep on the chair," Haru said. 

I shook my head and said, "Haru no, that's not comfortable. I'll get the chair and you get the couch." There was a couch on my side of the room, the side by the door,  and two chairs by the window on the opposite side. One of the chairs had Y/N's clothing and extra stuff so we were stuck with one chair and a small couch. 

Haru already settled in the chair, looking out the window. I laid down on the couch knowing he wouldn't change his mind. We both fell asleep with the moonlight seeping through the blinds...

*A/N: Heyy Besties! or anyone who is reading this... I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Funny story.. I was so close to losing my account, but I saved it! Anyways, tell me how you think about this chapter and give me ideas for future chapters! I'm kinda running out of ideas... so yeah... Just give me ideas for future chapters! Until next time!*

Undecided Fate - (Hatsuharu Sohma x Female Reader) - College AUWhere stories live. Discover now