Chapter 10

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~First Person POV: Y/N~

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was someone's chest. Specifically a male's chest. I looked up and saw Haru's sleepy face. It was calm. I moved higher so our faces were at equal height and kissed him on the lips.

He kissed me back and started placing soft kisses all over my face, "Morning..." Haru said. I smiled and said, "Good morning."

He started getting out of bed. "We should probably get ready to leave. We're meeting the other back at your dorm." I nodded and got out of bed.

As soon as we were ready, we walked to my dorm room. When I opened the door, everyone was there, except for us two. Rin ran up to us and hugged Hatsuharu and gave me a weird look. Hatsuharu hugged her back which made me jealous.

They were so caught up in the moment that I just went to sit by Uoutani. The others had a concerned look on their faces and looked at me. I just brushed it off and smiled. When Haru and Rin broke away, they went to sit down. Haru sat on Rin's bed while she sat next to him.

A sting of jealousy came back to me.

After 30 minutes of laughing and having fun, Yuki brought up a different topic. "I'm going to have a party on Friday and I was wondering if you guys wanted to come. It's going to be at the house a few blocks from here," Yuki said.

Everyone ended up agreeing. Uoutani, Hanajima, and I talked about what we would wear. "Y/N, you wouldn't mind if I borrowed your boyfriend for something, right?" Rin asked me. I looked at her blankly and she had a smirk on her face. The way she said boyfriend threw me off.

I quickly got up and left the room. The rest of them were yelling for me to come back though I didn't want to. It was pretty obvious what she was trying to do.

~First Person POV: Hatsuharu~

"Y/N, you wouldn't mind if I borrowed your boyfriend for something, right?" Rin asked Y/N. I looked over to Y/N and saw that she was upset. She quickly walked out of the room.

"RIN WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?" I yelled at Rin.

She looked at me and tilted her head as if she said nothing wrong. "It's not my fault she can't take a joke," Rin said. I quickly got off the bed and ran after Y/N. I looked for her and soon found her at the corner table in the cafeteria. She looked like she was crying.

I quickly ran over to her and hugged her from the back. She looked up and saw me as she quickly wiped her tears away. "Baby.. what's wrong?" I asked her. It was a dumb question but I asked it anyway.

She didn't respond. "Is it because of what Rin said?" I asked. She nodded.

"Don't worry about it.. she was just joking baby," I said. She looked up at me and I gave her a kiss on the lips. I then asked, "Do you want to go back?" She shook her head no and said, "It's fine... you can go back and I'll come later."

"Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded her head and sooner or later, I was back in the room. Everyone besides Rin was asking if she was ok but I told them that everything was fine. I then went to sit where Y/N was sitting, by Uoutani.

I was deep in thought. Rin and I broke up a while back. She didn't have the right to do such things. Besides, I have a girlfriend. I looked up at Rin and saw her scrolling through her phone. I still had a feeling Y/N isn't ok...

"Ok guys, since the party is the day after tomorrow, I'm going to get going to start preparations," Yuki said.

We all bid him goodbye and we all left as well. I was just worried for Y/N...

*A/N: Heyy Besties! or anyone who reads this... I hope you enjoyed this chapter! As you guys can see, Rin is being a little... touchy? with Haru. Remember, I am not trying to hate on her or any of the characters. Don't worry though, everything has its reasons. Until next time!*

Undecided Fate - (Hatsuharu Sohma x Female Reader) - College AUWhere stories live. Discover now