Chapter 25

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~First Person POV: Y/N~

It has been almost a year since we've been planning the wedding and today was the day. The day I was getting married. I was nervous. Very nervous. I was sweating like crazy but that's why I had a fan in the room. To prevent that from happening.

"Y/N, you'll be fine!" S/N said. (S/N = sister's name. You can make up anything if you don't have a sister)

Since she was the only one in my family who supported me, she was going to be my maid of honor, but she was also my sister so... Mei, Rin, Kagura, Tohru, Uoutani, and Hanajima were going to be my bridesmaids.

"But what if I trip while walking down the aisle?!" I exclaimed. Rin came up from behind me and put her hands on my shoulder. She said, "You'll be fine! Also, who's walking you down the aisle?" "Uh, Hatori and Ayame are..." I said.

They all smiled. S/N has met the Sohma's but she doesn't know about the curse. I was still very nervous. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Kagura went to open the door and we saw Hatori! The only person that could make me less nervous. "It's almost time," he said. I nodded and got up.

I thought Hatori was going to be one of Haru's groomsmen but it was going to be Kyo, Yuki, Momiji, Kureno, and Shigure. Ayame and Hatori were going to walk me down the aisle. I know it's strange to have two men walking me down the aisle but that's how Haru and I wanted it. Luckily, the aisle was wider than normal.

Kisa was going to be the flower girl and Hiro was going to hold the rings. Everything was going great so far! I was happy but also terrified. I didn't even know if my vows were good enough! All in all, I had mixed emotions.

I walked to the door and walked with Hatori. We walked to the main door and the wedding was just beginning. Everyone was walking down the aisle to their designated spots to stand. Ayame glanced at me and saw that I was shaking. "You'll be fine Y/N," he said.

I looked up towards him and smiled. And alas, it was time...

~First Person POV: Haru~

As the doors opened, there I saw standing Y/N. She looked absolutely gorgeous. I smiled. She had Ayame and Hatori standing by her sides to walk her down the aisle. As they started walking, Y/N looked at me and smiled. It looked like she was about to cry...

~Third Person POV~

As Y/N stopped at the end of the aisle, she was in front of Haru. They both smiled at each other and faced the priest. (I apologize if this isn't how your religion does weddings or whatnot. You can think of it another way if you'd like!) As he started talking, the room was quiet and finally, it was time for their wedding vows.

They were starting with Haru.

"Y/N, when I first met you, I liked you a lot. You were like your own person, not comparing yourself with others. You're strong, kind, nice, funny, adorable, and you're a very caring and understanding person. You were always there when I needed you and I hope you will be there when I need you in the future. I love you and am waiting to spend the rest of my life with you."

Y/N looked at Haru and smiled. She was holding back the tears she'd been wanting to shed. Now, it was Y/N's turn to say her vows...

"Hatsuharu, when I first met you, you were quiet and I wanted to learn more about you. I was worried that you would have pushed me away, but I'm glad you didn't. We've been through some tough times together, but we passed through them. You've always been considerate about my feelings and that means a lot to me. You are very funny, strong, quite handsome, and you are also loyal. I love you and I'm very excited to spend the rest of my life with you."

Haru looked Y/N in the eyes and smiled. He was also holding back tears. "Do you, Hatsuharu Sohma, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked/said. "I do."

"And do you, Y/N L/N, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" he asked the girl. "I do." The priest looked at them both and said, "By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." 

With that, Haru didn't hesitate to kiss the girl in front of him. Everyone in the stands cheered as we pulled away. Y/N then hugged Haru. When she pulled away she looked him in the eyes and smiled. Haru bent down and said, "I love you. So much." 

They both smiled and made their way down the aisle to go to the reception. They were finally married. They were congratulated by their friends and family. Before they left though, Y/N threw her bouquet into the crowd. Lucky for the person, Tohru caught it!

It was a memorable night...

*A/N: Heyy Besties! or whoever is reading this

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*A/N: Heyy Besties! or whoever is reading this... I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know this isn't a traditional Japanese wedding, but I decided to do the American style since I don't know much about the Japanese ones. The story is finally over!! Tell me what you think about this chapter. Until next time!*

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