Chapter 21

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Heyy Besties! Uh, just the other day I had 550+ reads and now I have 750+!! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN SO FAST Thank you to everyone who reads this story! I really appreciate it! 


~First Person POV: Y/N~

After the rest of the day at the beach, we decided to head back to the house. We swam far off into the ocean. We even found this cave!!! It was so cool. As we headed back to the house, our feet were getting tired. These stairs were the only thing keeping the house and beach separated.

 These stairs were the only thing keeping the house and beach separated

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(The stairs behind them)

"Alright, since there are three bathrooms and we're split into three rooms, each room will use one bathroom. You guys decide who's going first in each room," Hatori said. (it felt like I was in math for a min)

"I call dibs going first!" I said. I quickly got my towel and my clothing and headed to one of the bathrooms. There were already shampoos, conditioners, and body wash in the bathroom. I quickly stripped and stepped into the shower.

The hot water felt nice. I stood there for a few seconds until I started doing my routine. Shampoo, conditioner, then body wash. After 10 minutes, I finally got out of the shower. I was dressed and had the towel wrapped around my hair. 

"Who's next?" I said, standing in front of the doorway to the shared room. Kisa quickly stood up with her stuff and ran to the bathroom. I laughed. I made my way downstairs and saw that only Haru was down there. "Hey Haru," I said. 

He was going through the T.V. channels. He looked up at me and smiled. He patted the spot next to him, gesturing for me to sit next to him. I went over to him and sat down. My back was against his chest. I saw my phone on the table so I quickly grabbed it before getting back in my position.

I took the towel off my head and flung it to one of the other couches.

I went to my socials and replyed to DM's. Haru would occasionally glance at my phone. After a while of this, Haru finally took my phone out of my hand and threw it on the table. I was about to yell at him until he snuggled his head in the crook of my neck. That made me blush. 

"I miss having you to myself," Haru mumbled. 

I smiled and I put my head against his. After a while in this position, I heard small snores. Haru was asleep. I smiled and closed my eyes and before I knew it, I fell asleep.


"Who's gonna wake them up?" 
"Did anyone take a picture?"
"They look so cute!!!"
"I'm hungry so wake them up so we can eat."

I heard all whispers all around the room. My eyes slowly fluttered open and I saw all my friends standing in front of us. I slightly looked down at Haru and saw him looking up at me. "You guys know we're awake, right?" he said. 

All the attention turned towards us. "SINCE WHEN HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN AWAKE. WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU SO WE COULD EAT!" Kagura exclaimed. 

"We've been awake since now. You guys were too loud," I said. I started getting off Haru as he started getting off the couch. I realized that the towel was still on the couch so I quickly went upstairs to put it away.

When I got down, the table had been set and everyone had started sitting down. I chose the spot next to Haru which was at the end of the table. We all said "Itadakimasu," before we started digging in. The food was delicious. Tohru had made it so of course it would be. 

When we finished eating, Tohru, Rin, and I cleaned the table. It was almost 9:00 p.m by the time we were done. We walked back to the living room and we saw that everyone was sitting down comfortably. We chilled for a while but I felt that something was off.

I looked around the room and noticed something. Momiji and Hatori weren't there. "Hey, where's Momiji Hatori?" I asked. "Momiji said that he saw someone outside. He went out but I don't think he came back. Though, I don't know where Hatori is" Yuki said. We all started panicking. Everyone got up and started checking inside the house.

I was left standing there. I loved these people, but they were sometimes idiots. They said that Momiji had gone outside so that would have been the best place to check and Hatori was most likely with him. I walked outside and started looking around.

As I made my way towards the front of the house, I heard people talking. I quietly walked to the side of the house and peeked towards the voices. I was shocked. I saw Hatori holding back Akito and Momiji was on the floor. The side of his face had scratch marks that were bleeding.

Akito suddenly started yelling at Momiji and was trying to get out of Hatori's grip. "Akito, calm down," Hatori said. Akito wasn't listening to Hatori and kept yelling at Momiji. "GO GET HER FOR ME," he yelled.

I didn't know what Akito was talking about but he suddenly escaped from Hatori's grip and ran towards Momiji, scratching him. "NO, STOP IT," I yelled. I cursed myself for doing that before quickly running to Momiji's side.

He now had multiple scratches on his cheek.

"Don't think your so special, Y/N L/N. I know about your parents," Akito said. I suddenly stopped moving. I looked up frightened and saw Akito smirking. I looked down to the floor before I yelled. Tears were running down my face. I kept yelling as Akito laughed. 

Momiji was trying to comfort me as best as he could but it wasn't working. I suddenly heard footsteps and gasps. I felt someone run to my side. I knew it was Haru. He carried me and ran back into the house. I then fell asleep in his arms with tears rolling down my cheek...

 I then fell asleep in his arms with tears rolling down my cheek

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*A/N: Heyy Besties! or anyone who is reading this... I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry that it was a short one. I'm running out of ideas so if you have any ideas, please tell me. Anyways, until next time!*

Undecided Fate - (Hatsuharu Sohma x Female Reader) - College AUWhere stories live. Discover now