Chapter 6

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~First Person POV: Y/N~

As I saw Haru come back, Hatori was trailing behind him. At that moment I remembered that Hatori was the doctor. "So what happened. Hatsuharu why did you drag me here?" Hatori asked. Hatsuharu was silent for a couple of seconds until he said, "Well I was comforting Y/N when we got to the cafeteria. We were hugging and Y/N realized when we came back to the dorm, that I didn't transform..." 

Hatori stayed silent until he said, "Well your curse couldn't have broken. That's for sure. Y/N, we could prove that if we get you to hug one  of the other guys and if one of the girls beside Rin can hug one of the boys."

Hatori left the bathroom and came back with Momiji and Tohru. "Ok, Y/N I need you to hug Momiji," Hatori said. I walked to Momiji and hugged him. He didn't transform... "Ok... Tohru can you hug Momiji please?" Hatori asked. Tohru nodded and went to hug Momiji. When she hugged him, he turned into a rabbit.

This was all so confusing. "What...?" Haru said. He was just as confused as I was. "Let me call the other zodiac members to come..." Hatori said. We all walked out of the dorm and sat down. Haru sat next to me, Momiji sat in the chair, Tohru sat next to Kyo, and Hatori went out of the dorm.

Everyone was still in their conversations. Some time passed and Hatori came back inside. With him were the rest of the zodiac members who weren't here t begin with. Hiro and Kisa sat on the floor next to me, while Kisa laid her head on my shoulder. Hiro had his head on the chair Momiji was sitting in. Ayame and Shigure sat on Rin's bed. Ritsu sat on Rin's chair. Yuki sat beside Ritsu's chair, on the floor.

"Hatori... Why did you call a sudden meeting?" Shigure asked. Hatori took a glance at me before looking at everyone else and said, "Well... It seems as when Y/N hugs one of us, we don't transform, but if Tohru hugs one of us, we transform."

The whole room was silent, and everyone looked at me, which made the situation more uncomfortable than it already was. "We'd have to take her to Akito," Shigure said. Haru then said, "NO. WE ARE NOT TAKING HER TO AKITO. YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT HE WOULD DO TO Y/N?"

"It's the only choice," Hatori said.

"No... She won't go. It's too dangerous," Haru said.

I was confused at this point. What was so bad about this Akito person. I know he is the 'god' of the zodiac... but what could be so bad about him?

"She's going. And that's final." Hatori said.

Haru then stood up and left the room. Everyone was silent. I didn't know what to do.

"Y/N, Tomorrow we have to take you to Akito. We'll let Hatsuharu go with you, but it isn't a guarantee he can go inside with you..." Hatori said.

I just nodded. I was... scared. To be honest I was more than scared. If there is really something bad about Akito, what could he do to me?

~Timeskip: The Next Day~

"Y/N... Y/N wake up."

I groaned as someone was shaking me to wake up. I open my eyes and see Rin. "What..." I said.

She pulled the covers off of me and said, "It's time to get ready." 

Memories of last night flooded back. I was scared. I didn't know what to do so I just got up and started getting ready.

I wore jeans, a black and white shirt, vans, an oversized hoodie, and the rings I had on yesterday.

I wore jeans, a black and white shirt, vans, an oversized hoodie, and the rings I had on yesterday

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Undecided Fate - (Hatsuharu Sohma x Female Reader) - College AUWhere stories live. Discover now