Chapter 26: D and S

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Dover's POV

            It's over... my chance to make Sean see me as the right guy for him is over. In a few days’ time he'll get his orders and I'll be here. Sighing I pulled off my towel and stepped under the warm soothing spray. Pouring a bit of body wash in my hand I lathered them really good. I started with my chest instead of my usual spot. My mind was in overdrive with thoughts of Sean and I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself. Ever since that talk with my dad he's been on my brain more and more. The more I think about him the more I feel like I'm going through withdrawal. The hunger is so strong and it's getting to be too much for me to handle.

            While I tried to keep my thoughts pure my hands had a different agenda all together. Before I knew it my left hand was squeezing tightly around my member and my right was tugging at my balls. They were so sensitive and swollen with weeks’ worth of cum I couldn't keep myself from diving over the edge. If I didn't release this pressure soon I would literally implode. Taking a bit more body wash in hand I started stroking my member slowly squeezing my hand tighter once I reached the head causing it to darken. I kept going back and forth, back and forth creating a warn friction with my hand until it wasn't enough. Rocking my hips I thrust hard into my right hand while pinching and twisting my nipples with my left.

            "Fuck yeah..." I moaned throwing my head back. Images of Sean fluttered through my head steady building my excitement until I reached the one memory burned into my brain. The image of Sean laid out on his bunk caressing his member under the cover of night was over powering. It was like I'd entered into a dream-like state and suddenly I was there with Sean. Together we squeezed and tugged our members until I felt lightning shoot through my body rendering me paralyzed.

            "Oh shit... fuck... oh God..." I gasped leaning against the tile wall for support. Usually after a minute I was my normal self but since I've been AWOL in the pleasure department my body needed a little longer to re-cooperate. When I could stand on my own feet without swaying I hurried to finish my shower before I worked myself into a tizzy again. Shutting off the water I stood there for a second.

            'He'll be gone in four days’ time.' I thought. I didn't think I had the strength to tell Sean goodbye. Stepping out the shower I grabbed my towel and pulled it on my head rubbing the water from my hair. Since I knew my room like the back of my hand I didn't need to see where I was going. Stepping towards my closet I pulled the double doors open. Pulling the towel from my head I tossed it back towards my bed and started searching for something to wear.

            "Watch where you’re throwing your wet towels man." I stood at my closet frozen in place. I had to be hallucinating.

            "By the way... great show in the shower. I especially like the end." Turning from my closet I came face to face with the object of my affection.

            "How are you here?" I squeaked. Pushing off the bed Sean came over still holding my towel. With the huge grin on his face and his eyes sparkling with mischief it made my mouth water just a bit.

            "Your mom asked me to come and get you but... it looks like you've already came." He chuckled. I could feel every blood cell in my body rushing to my face.

            "You saw that?" I groaned. Nodding Sean's eyes slowly lowered down my body then returned to meet mine.

            "Yep... and guess what? I still see you." He said. The realization I was standing naked before him hit me and hit me hard.

            "FUCK ME!" I yelled yanking the towel from his grasp.

            "Hey, that's what she said." Sean laughed at my apparent discomfort. My face had to turn three shades darker. Turning to my closet I yanked my bath robe from the hanger and shrugged it on belting it tightly around my waist.

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