Chapter 4: SD

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Sean’s POV: (Present)

When we drove through the gates I felt my pulse jump. We were finally here at Parris Island. I was ready to become a Marine. To serve my country, let go of the past and find someone to love me for me.

            “When we get off grab your gear and stand with me okay.” Dover whispered. I snapped out of my excitement to see him standing from his seat. Following suite I made my way to the front of the bus with him. As soon as the bus stopped and the doors opened Dover jumped off heading for the luggage hold. Shadowing his every move I grabbed my duffel bag and went to stand next to Dover on a concrete platform. I was about to ask him what was up when men in uniforms descended upon us out of thin air screaming at us. I watched wide eyed as the other recruits scurried about like ants. Cutting my eyes to Dover I saw him give me a smirk then turn his eyes back forward.

            “What in the hell is taking you maggots so long?! Grab your shit and fall in line!!” A mountain of a man bellowed from a jeep that skidded to a stop five feet away from Dover and I. I watched him jump from the jeep then stalk towards us. I couldn’t believe how tall he was. I’m six feet tall at one hundred and seventy-five pounds. This guy had to be at least six feet five at two hundred and thirty pounds. He looked like he could bench press me with no problem. I made note not to meet him in any dark alleys or behind any abandoned buildings.

            “Why do I have only two Marines in line ready to train with the best? Are the rest of you pussies just here to take up fucking space?!” He yelled. The other guys paused and looked to us then to one another like the question confused them or something.

            “What the fuck are you waiting for? Get your sorry excuses for Marine asses in line!” He snapped. After two minutes of sheer panic the rest of the recruits were lined up with Dover and I. I had to make sure to thank Dover and also ask him how did he know to do this. Our other commanding officers surrounded us like predators pacing back and forth through us their eyes darting around trying to find the weakest link.

            “This is Parris Island. You’ve been chosen to become part of the United States Marine Corp. Here we will push you pass your comfort zone until we break you. Here we don’t have mercy because mercy does not exist in the real world. You survive and graduate here expect to be deployed to different bases around the world. You aren’t travelling to sight see or to learn customs, you’re there for a duty. You’re there to serve and protect. For those who aren’t cut out for field duty don’t be discouraged. The Marines are more than just a bunch of meat heads killing stuff. Your skills will be put to use. Today you will be heading into base where you will meet your future drill instructors. You will receive your clothing and gear. You will receive a medical screening and an initial strength test. And you will be assigned your barracks. The faster you get there the quicker you can rest because tomorrow your asses belong to us.

Unlike the Naval Academy we don’t lounge around gradually waking up at seven a.m. Here we wake at zero five hundred. Chow at zero six hundred and training promptly starts at zero six forty-five. We don’t do overslept. We don’t have days off. We are Marines. If you don’t think you can handle this get your shit and get back on that bus because we have no use for you here. Don’t waste my time pretending to be a soldier, to everyone else welcome to Parris Island Marine Recruit Depot. Let the pain be begin.” He said turning back to his jeep. Hopping into the driver’s seat he started the jeep then looked back at us again. Pointing to Dover and I he waved us over. I followed Dover’s lead by grabbing my duffel and heading over to him.

            “Your name Marine.” He said over the roar of the engine. Dropping his bag Dover saluted him.

            “Sir, Private Damian Owens, Sir!” Dover yelled. Looking to me the man raised a brow. Dropping my bag I too saluted him.

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