Chapter 11: KDS

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Kate’s POV:

He’s nervous. He says he’s not but I know he is. This is the twenty-fifth time he’s checked the mirror and clock on the dashboard. Not nervous my ass. I tried telling him it was normal to have some butterflies in his stomach but like the stubborn pig headed man he is he refuses to admit he’s nervous. If that’s the way he wants it then do be it.

After patching him up I talked him through the lay out of the Watering Hole. I told him the best place to sit, what to order when Sean sat down, the whole nine yards. Afterwards I went through his clothes to make sure he looked great for this reunion. If left up to him he would go in a pair of wrinkled jeans and a stained t-shirt. I opted for a pair of nice  dark slacks and a dark button down short sleeve shirt.

We both agreed for me to drive since McClane wanted to go over what he’d say to Sean. In reality he was too distracted to drive with his none-existent nerves but don’t tell him I told you that. It took maybe fifteen minutes to get to the bar. Once I pulled up into the parking lot I waited for McClane to open the door and climb out. Instead he gripped the door handle tighter.

            “I’m about to throw up.” He muttered. Reaching over I pushed my bottle of ginger ale into his hand.

            “You will not throw up because a, this is a rental car and two I don’t want to clean it up. Now you will go in there with your head held high. You will be mature and open to any and everything Sean has to say. You won’t force him to decide anything tonight. The subject of this meeting is to open a line of communication. It’s been four year McClane.  You guys can’t resolve everything in one night. One step at a time.” I said giving his hand a squeeze. Opening the bottle McClane took a few healthy swallows before unbuckling his seat belt.

            “You’re right… can I ask you a favor?” He said placing the bottle back into the cup holder.

            “Sure anything.” Looking back at me McClane gave me the most pathetic pleading gaze I’d ever seen in my life.

            “Come inside please.” He whispered. Shaking my head no I tried to explain to him I had no place there but McClane wouldn’t have it. So here I am at the bar with a scarf around my head and sun glasses on my face trying not to look suspicious.

We both were watching the clock when it turned nine fifty-nine. One more minute. Looking to me McClane shook his head almost panicking. He was about to freak out. Standing from my stool I yanked off my glasses and gave him the best impression of my mother’s death stare.

            “Sit down and breathe.” I hissed. Just as McClane’s slack covered butt hit the seat of his chair the doors of the Watering Hole opened. There stood Sean grinning from ear to ear with a fellow Marine. They were all laughs and smiles. I felt relief flood my body instantly.

            ‘Good Sean’s in a great mood.’ I thought to myself. Cutting his eyes to me McClane swallowed hard. Replacing my sun glasses I took hold of my drink and smiled.


Dover’s POV:

I’ve been sitting on pins and needles for two days. When Friday training ended I waited for Sean to get back from his shower before presenting him with his pass. He sat there stunned when I told him I’d scored us passes and not only that I had a surprise for him. He kept asking me what I’d planned but for once I didn’t slip up and spill the beans. I knew he would be stoked to see Micah at the Watering Hole. Saturday morning Sean was up before me. He waited for me rub the sleep from my eyes before resuming his line of questions pertaining to later that night.

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